Help interpreting the output of arcstat and iostat

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Jun 2, 2011

I'm running into a couple of issues and I was wondering if people wouldn't mind sharing some knowledge. I've been around the internet a couple of times on these issues and I'm drawing a blank. First off, though, my actual issue is with ZFS on Linux, not a FreeNAS box. The questions I have relate to tools available on both systems, so I hope it's okay to ask about those tools here.

The first question I have is just about interpreting the output of
	time  read  miss  miss%  dmis  dm%  pmis  pm%  mmis  mm%  arcsz	 c
17:31:19	 3	 3	100	 3  100	 0	0	 1  100   3.7G  3.7G
17:31:20  2.3K   467	 20   434   18	33   76	10   58   3.7G  3.7G
17:31:21  1.1K   791	 71   502   62   289   98	 8   38   3.7G  3.7G
17:31:22  1.3K   832	 63   468   50   364   92	38   20   3.7G  3.7G
17:31:23  1.9K  1.2K	 66   643   51   598   97	28   11   3.5G  3.5G
17:31:24  2.2K   749	 34   515   27   234   72	33   26   3.5G  3.5G
17:31:25  2.1K  1.0K	 50   446   31   595   93	32	8   3.5G  3.5G
17:31:26  1.6K   880	 54   862   53	18   66	34   82   3.5G  3.5G

I've been doing a lot of reading recently, and from what I recall, the arcsz is the current size of the ARC, and c is the maximum size. In this particular case I have a server that maxes out its ARC (not a big shock given the 3.7G size), but once it hits that, and the actual ARC size shrinks, the max shrinks with it. At its lowest, it was about 50MB. Crazy. I just want to verify that my understanding is correct, that c is supposed to be the ARC max, and that the ARC max should not change dynamically without human intervention.

The other has to do with disk performance, zvols, and iostat.

Device:		 rrqm/s   wrqm/s	 r/s	 w/s	rkB/s	wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
sda			   0.00	 0.00   77.00  115.00   308.00   640.00	 9.88	 2.02   10.33	9.92   10.61   3.58  68.80
sdb			   0.00	 0.00   81.00  116.00   324.00   644.00	 9.83	 1.32	6.72	6.42	6.93   2.50  49.20
sde			   0.00	 0.00   77.00  117.00   308.00   640.00	 9.77	 1.16	6.25	5.25	6.91   2.35  45.60
sdf			   0.00	 0.00   78.00  116.00   312.00   640.00	 9.81	 1.25	6.45	5.64	7.00   2.47  48.00
zd32			  0.00	 0.00	0.00  197.00	 0.00   788.00	 8.00	 1.09	5.54	0.00	5.54   5.06  99.60

In FreeBSD the last column is %b, for %busy like we see in gstat. In this case, since it's Linux it's %util. What I'm wondering about here is the zvol performance. This particular snippet was taken when the system was largely bored out of its mind, there was just 1 VM doing Windows updates. We see the zvol for that VM is pegged at just shy of 100%, while the underlying disks aren't nearly as busy.

My question here is: Should that be the case? Shouldn't zvol's utilization or busy percentage max out when the underlying disks are maxed out? Or are there valid scenarios in which this wouldn't be the case?

Just to be clear, I know this is the FreeNAS forums, and as such I don't expect anyone to jump in and start troubleshooting the root issues of these problems on Linux. What I'm looking for are potential, ZFS specific reasons for the above output.


Jun 2, 2011
Partially. I was told on another forum that for, c does not represent the ARC max. It represents some kind of goal for the ARC, but I'm still unclear as to why if I set an ARC max that the ARC would shrink drastically in size.


Jun 4, 2013
I'm not sure why it would shrink "drastically" in size. We would need more info about your system and workload(s).

But the ARC is dynamic as you know. While there is an arc_max setting, the system updates it's target size (separate value) and then frees memory as needed to get to that size. So when the system is under pressure, the target is lowered and memory freed up (or consumed). I can't remember the specifics, but if I remember correctly, there is one block of code that sets the target size, and other block that implements the evictions to hit the target.

(Don't quote me on that, it was a long while ago and I'm not an expert on ZFS. I had some issue with the rate at which the system was freeing up memory, which was too slow, so "excessive" swap occurred. There are a few variables I played with that give a bit more buffer to the target so the system can more effectively absorb rapid memory pressure.)


Jun 2, 2011
Ah, that makes sense when explained like that! Thank you. So basically a combo of my system memory running up plus a low swappiness value might result in the ARC being aggressively shrunk. Then as the ARC is needed more, it may aggressively push back at the OS for more memory in order to grab every megabyte it can get.

That may be what's happening on my system. We've sized it so that VMs get 24GB of the total host memory, ARC gets 4GB max, and the remaining 4GB of the 32GB is left for the OS to do whatevs. We are running up to the max 32GB of memory on the system. I would have assumed that 4GB of that would be the ARC, but it must be getting eaten up by something else if the ARC is down that low. I just need to find it, because it's not showing up in top.

Thank you for helping me work this out! :)
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