HDD power cabling question


Jun 2, 2020
So forgive me if the answer should be more easier to find. but my google fu ultimately just came back with alot of focus on Per connector information and lots of typical internet back and forth of your an idiot that's to much or yeah that's perfectly fine with no actual context on the entire cable so I come to the experts of large drive numbers ;)

So my question is about the best way to cable 5x HDD cages, the cages can be powered by either 2 molex or 2 Sata. and i want to be able to add 2 more cages if needed later

I know that the ATX standard for Molex/Sata connectors is supposed to be 54 watts, and i do understand the 12v rail/amp matter. my PSU is Single vrail, course looking at the cable it self. I would think that would be 54 watts for the entire cable. but most of my search results as mentioned, focus on connector. which on a 4X molex connector cable would imply 216 Watts per cable. but that's just not sounding right in my head

If i go by the drive specs. Amps peak out at about 1.8-1.9 and about 8-9 watts peak + what ever the Cage overhead is

Right now I have a single Cage cabled with 2 Cables using 1 of the Molex Connectors on each cable., so can I safely connect the other 2 Cages when the time comes/if it comes to the available Molex on these 2 cables? or 2 of the 2 cables and then the last one of its on cables? or each with their own set of cables? (which would prob be the safest but i would need to buy more cables/more cable management)