GUI additions for largescale NFS usage

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Oct 19, 2011
Current GUI is insufficient when dealing with NFS filesystems.
The problem is that in the pane decribing a NFS filesystem ( inappropiatly
called NFS share) one should also express the rules for export ( which systems are
allowed to mount and which options to use)

The scalable solution could be made as :
keep the top pane that contains the describing comment and filesystem path. Then
add the possibility to add "exports", basically the same fields as today from "Authorized network" and
downwards . The difference is that each filesystem may contain many "export descriptions" each describing
the conditions for access for that computer/network. In effect a 2-level hierarchy.
One should probably include an "options" field that could be used to
express options not present in the GUI but wanted to a specific client/network.

With this suggested change a filesystem may be exported to different hosts/networks
with any combination av maproot/mapall .

A future version should also include use of NIS and the ability to use a netgroup
when exporting.

I'v posted a ticket ( 1076) but it seems been a subject of dicussions about manpages and versions.


Oct 19, 2011
As this seems to be a low priority i use full freebsd systems instead. And yes they do what's
needed but it would be much easier to introduce a gui-klick-and-point system to the corporate decisionmakers

And yes, i use "exports" to various groups of boxes with various options. In addition nis netgroups
takes care of the volume of exports. For me it's easy and natural but some others would like mouse friendly menues ..
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