Found a UI bug...


May 2, 2018
Having recently upgraded to TrueNAS 12.0-U7, I was inspecting my pools in the UI today and noticed an odd bug... I had an SSD I removed from duty, and wanted to check and make sure I had completed the operation. I navigated to the "Storage" -> "Disks" screen, and noted my SSD was in fact idle, and a member of pool "N/A". So far so good... Then I noticed another drive in the "N/A" pool... I use a pair of small 60Gb retail SATA SSD's as a mirrored boot pool. Device ada0 is correctly shown as a member of pool "freenas-boot", but device ada1 is displayed as "N/A". I dropped into the CLI and did a "zpool status freenas-boot" and it correctly indicates the ada1 device as being a mirror pool member.

I didn't worry too much about this at first, but the reason I was checking on the other SSD was I was thinking of configuring another SSD and creating a mirror pool for Iocage duty. On a hunch I navigated to the "Storage" -> "Pools" pane and tried creating a pool. Sure enough, the UI presented my ada1 boot pool device as available for use in a new pool. That's a bug...

I'm going to poke around and see if I have access to the iX bug tracker, etc... Anyone else run across this issue?


Apr 16, 2020
U7 has a bug that can allow the use of already pool enabled disks in another pool.
Due to be fixed in U7.1