First post, I apologize if I dont have all the information needed but please feel free to let me know what else I might need to provide to troubleshoot.
I am running: FreeNAS-11.1-U4
I demoted a domain controller on Friday and then started getting reports of issues with network drive access issues. I have limited experience on FreeNAS as it was setup before my time but here is the /var/log/messages that appear:
The system appears to join the domain no problem but maybe 2-3 minutes later it just drops the domain and then the system check attempts to rejoin.
I have checked the Network configuration to make sure that the old domain controller is no longer listed as a Name Server. I have tried various changes to the settings in the Directory Service > Active Directory tab to no solid results. Where should i be looking for more information??
I am running: FreeNAS-11.1-U4
I demoted a domain controller on Friday and then started getting reports of issues with network drive access issues. I have limited experience on FreeNAS as it was setup before my time but here is the /var/log/messages that appear:
May 7 09:39:09 freenas ActiveDirectory: activedirectory_start: skipping join, already joined May 7 09:39:09 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-activedirectory status May 7 09:39:10 freenas ActiveDirectory: activedirectory_status: checking status May 7 09:39:10 freenas ActiveDirectory: AD_status_domain: net -k ads status DOMAIN May 7 09:39:11 freenas ActiveDirectory: AD_status_domain: Okay May 7 09:39:11 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/midclt call notifier.stop cifs May 7 09:39:12 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/midclt call notifier.start cifs May 7 09:39:15 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-pam quietstart May 7 09:39:17 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-cache quietstart & May 7 09:39:20 freenas ActiveDirectory: kerberos_status: klist -t May 7 09:39:20 freenas ActiveDirectory: kerberos_status: Successful May 7 09:39:21 freenas ActiveDirectory: activedirectory_status: checking status May 7 09:39:21 freenas ActiveDirectory: AD_status_domain: net -k ads status DOMAIN May 7 09:39:22 freenas ActiveDirectory: AD_status_domain: Okay May 7 09:39:53 freenas ActiveDirectory: kerberos_status: klist -t May 7 09:39:53 freenas ActiveDirectory: kerberos_status: Successful May 7 09:39:53 freenas ActiveDirectory: activedirectory_status: checking status May 7 09:39:53 freenas ActiveDirectory: AD_status_domain: net -k ads status DOMAIN May 7 09:39:54 freenas ActiveDirectory: AD_status_domain: Okay May 7 09:39:55 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/midclt call notifier.stop cifs May 7 09:39:56 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-kerberos quietstop May 7 09:39:56 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-nsswitch quietstop May 7 09:39:56 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-pam quietstop May 7 09:39:58 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-activedirectory forcestop May 7 09:40:01 freenas ActiveDirectory: activedirectory_stop: leaving domain May 7 09:40:01 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-cache quietstop & May 7 09:40:04 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service samba_server forcestop May 7 09:40:04 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/bin/midclt call notifier.start cifs May 7 09:40:07 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-kinit forcestop May 7 09:40:07 freenas ActiveDirectory: /usr/sbin/service ix-hostname quietstart
The system appears to join the domain no problem but maybe 2-3 minutes later it just drops the domain and then the system check attempts to rejoin.
I have checked the Network configuration to make sure that the old domain controller is no longer listed as a Name Server. I have tried various changes to the settings in the Directory Service > Active Directory tab to no solid results. Where should i be looking for more information??