"Directory is not empty" during unlocking pool once the apps pool is set (ix-applications)


Mar 4, 2023
I finally upgraded to TrueNAS Scale Cobia ( from Bluefin. There are quite many issues I've faced after the update and managed to solve almost all of them (like SMB not working etc). However, this is the only issue I can't solve, and it's reproducible everytime I set the pool for apps.

I only have one pool, say it named poolA. poolA is an encrypted pool using passphrase. So everytime when I set the pool for apps, it'll create a unencrypted dataset "ix-applications". Which mean now,
path exists. Whenever I reboot TrueNAS and attempting to unlock, it'll say
'/mnt/poolA' directory is not empty (please provide "force" flag to override this error and file/directory will be renamed once the dataset is unlocked ...
I verified it and it's true that "/mnt/poolA/ix-applications" exists prior to unlocking/mounted. Naturally means it can't mount to that mount path.
I don't want to use force since I want to avoid repercussions in the long run. To fix this I need to rollback to bluefin, manually delete the ix-applications folder, and repeat this cycle.

Any idea how to fix this?