Different datasets and permissions for the same user and group

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Feb 21, 2018
--real life

Is it possible to assign one user in a group for the entire volume or would I have to assign the user to each dataset? I'd like to have access to one particular dataset on my laptop without having access to everything, while accessing everything on my regular PC. I want to make sure everything requires the same password and username and no other users or guests should be allowed. What'd be my best steps to achieve this?
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Feb 21, 2018
I watched it, but I don't want to use explorer to set privileges. I've created two groups, group1 and group2, and two users, user1 and user2. I want user1 to have access to everything in the volume, and user2 to have access to documents only (without seeing anything in the other datasets). So far, I've only managed to get user1 to have access to everyone and I can't get user2 to access documents without seeing what's inside the other foldelrs... user1 is tied to group1 while user2 is tied to group2. What am I doing wrong


Feb 21, 2018
So it doesn't work. I can use Teracopy to copy over files but I can't use Robocopy because it says "A required privilege is not hold by the client". I have assigned user2 (which is in group2) to the dataset called "Plexmedia" and I've assigned user1 (which is in group1) to the dataset called "Root".

What do these permissions in user settings do? Owner, Group and Other

And what do these permissions in dataset settings do? Owner, Group and Other

For testing purposes, I made one big dataset with two different datasets called Plexmedia and Root. The Plexmedia dataset should only be accessed by user2 in group2 and the Root dataset should only be accessed by user1 in group1. However, this is not the case with these settings.

User1 permissions https://puu.sh/zUE9C/f9017c1298.jpg
User 2 permissions https://puu.sh/zUE9D/8c52fe084a.jpg

Test's permissions https://puu.sh/zUEaV/bb82a920c3.jpg
Plexmedia permissions https://puu.sh/zUEbf/ed1a92c338.jpg
Root's permissions https://puu.sh/zUEbA/555e1ade27.jpg

I can access Plexmedia with user2's username and password, but I can't access Root with user1's username and password because it gives me the error "not accessible".

My goal is to only have access to the Plexmedia dataset by user2 in group2 and the only one who should have access to Root is user1 in group1. How do I accomplish this?
I am getting this error

edit: I changed the permissions on the datasets to this https://puu.sh/zUECs/7bba12a4b6.jpg
If I login to Plexmedia with user2, I'll be able to see everything that's inside Root but I can't create anything in Root because it tells me I don't have permission... is there no way to accomplish my goals? Why can I see everything that's inside Root when I've only logged onto Plexmedia with user2, a user that's not even meant for Root?
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Doesn't know what he's talking about
Oct 2, 2015
Lets start from the beginning...
  • Is there a particular reason you need to make these multiple datasets to begin with? I would simply make one dataset and then create folders and assign rights from within Windows Explorer..
  • Why are you against setting rights via Windows Explorer? Once you set the initial rights on the dataset, the rest should be done via Windows Explorer. Do you think any Admin would want subordinates or others to have to access FreeNAS directly in order to perform menial tasks (like set folder perms)?

This thread I answered in the past may help:
"Help - Permissions don't seem to be working as intended"


Feb 21, 2018
Me and my friend don't use Windows all the time, and I prefer to have two major datasets for two different users. I'll check out your link.
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