SOLVED critical target error, dev sdxxxx


Jan 31, 2024
Hi All,

Im very new to TrueNAS so please go easy on me, I've built myself a new XCP-ng Hypervisor, with a LSI 9300-16i HBA, and 10X 6TB SAS HDD's Data wiped from ebay. I have passed this through to TrueNAS Sale 23.10.2 successfully using PCI Passthrough.

When I try and create a new pool I see the below error.


A little investigation showed me this error

Disk Error.PNG

I belive my errors are due to the partition tables being destroyed when they were wiped, and I am unable to create a new partition table using Parted. Can someone please advise me of the best way to resolve this, as I am sure I will not be the first person to use second hand disks


Jan 31, 2024
Managed to resolve this. When I purchased the disks I purchased Ex-Enterprise SAS drives, turns out these devices are known as SED Drive's. (Self Encrypting Drive) before these drives can be accessed they require a SED Key to be entered in order to access them. Obviously having the data destructed on them and wiped by the supplier there was no SED Key supplied.

To see if you have Self Encrypting Drives, go to the TrueNAS shell prompt under Advanced Type;

sudo sedutil-cli --scan you will see a screen like below if you have a SED Capable Disk

Simply take the PSID from the front of the drive usually a really long sequence of numbers and letters e.g 1a2s3degh45678

Enter the command setutil-cli --PSIDrevertAdminSP PSIDHere /dev/sd"x"

or full example setutil-cli --PSIDrevertAdminSP 1a2s3degh45678 /dev/sda

Once this has been successful you will see the below

I hope this helps someone, it took me a fair few hours to resolve the issue

Here is the full Documentation from TrueNAS Core
