Confusion about multiple zpools


Jun 23, 2014
I have been reading through the FAQ and a few other posts I could find regarding loss of a disk in a vdev and I'm second guessing myself if what I have done is optimal. I am looking for a quick yes or no regarding my understanding of them. Because loss of one vdev in a pool loses the entire Zpool and the fact that my seed box and surveillance disks do not need backup or redundancy, I have spread everything across several zpools.

Current setup:
Zpool 1 - aging and now several years old
Raidz2 with 6 3tb

Zpool2 - seed box
1 drive

Zpool3 - surveillance video LAN
1 drive

Zpool4 (successor to zpool1)
Raidz with 4 x 10tb

Does my thinking make sense or work you suggest a different layout? I was worried losing either the seed or surveillance drive would wipe the entire zpool