Configure rsync backups in BackupPC (jail)


Sep 3, 2019
I have followed and got BackupPC running in a jail using the current (Blanchet) FreeNAS BackupPC guide. The guide installs with "smb" backup as it's default Xfer function. I need to use rsync.
The guide installation creates a "backuppc" user that has a shell of "/usr/sbin/nologin" and a "/nonexistant" home directory. In order for rsync to function both of these are needed.
I tried creating a "backuppc" user with "adduser" and then followed the guide to install BacklupPC. BackupPC installation "saw and used" the "backuppc" user I had created but, the BackupPC webgui had permissions issues and would not allow it to run properly. I am not experienced enough to correct the incorrect permission issues.
I thinking that I should modify the existing (created during BackupPC install) backuppc user to allow "/usr/bin/sh" as the shell and create a home directory to allow storage of the ssh keys and other ssh files. Unless someone has a better suggestion, how do I modify this existing user?