Another NFS/Storage Permissions Question - How to set Storage/NFS to force same UID/GID?


Feb 11, 2018
Apologies... There seems to be quite a few threads on this topic (example) but only one for Scale, and none that seem to fit what I am looking for...


  • Homelab environment
  • I have multiple ZVOLs inside of a Pool that are going to house different data sets (Plex, PhotoPrism, NextCloud, etc).
  • On separate machines is a Kuberenetes clusters running Pods (Docker containers)
  • Those Pods sometimes have UID or GID that I can not modify (like NextCloud uses www-data, Photoprism does not, etc)
  • I'd like everything on the NAS to be of the same UID and GID, with NFS forcing the UID=1000 and GID=1000 server side so I don't pile up on client side permissions problems

On my old NAS running OpenMediaVault, I solved this problem with this server side NFS configuration:


I'm sure it's flawed, but it worked perfectly for my needs

I'm trying to recreate this in the SCALE UI:

  • All ZVols are owned by the UID and GID of the 1000 user. Read/Write/Execute enabled for the user.
  • On the NFS shares setup for each of the ZVols, in the advance tab, I have played with both:
    • Setting 'Mapall User' and 'Mapall Group' to the 1000 user
    • Setting the 'Maproot User' and 'Maproot Group' to the 1000 user

However my containers that don't use the 1000 user (like NextCloud), end up with permission issues.

Is there a way to force UID=1000 and GID=1000 on all NFS shares server side in the TrueNAS Scale GUI to avoid permissions issues?