Accessing FreeNAS via API behind a router

Jan 3, 2020

I am trying to access FreeNAS via API that sits behind a VyOs router.
The topology is like this: the VyOs router has an interface which is the gateway for FreeNAS appliance's management network and a NAT rule is created on the router to redirect to port 443 of FreeNAS when the router's external IP is accessed on 443. I can access the web UI of FreeNAS without issues from my machine, but the API doesn't seem to work (the API authentication is not an issue as it works fine when there's no router i.e. on the same network). My question is does the API also work on port 443? Will I need to suffix the port number in the URL while making the API call for e.g. https://router_external_IP:443? Is this possible at all to access API this way?
