2x FreeNas servers- Hardware and Q's

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Jan 14, 2013
Good Day-

Currently using this hardware build:

The BGA integrated Intel chips are fast and low power- quite useful.

The first Freenas box (running 8.3.1p2x64) has 8x 2tb WD drives with 8gb of ram in RAID-Z2 configuration. I purchased another WD 2Tb drive to add in to make it a complete 9x unit, which will necessitate rebuild.

The second one, not built yet, is 9x Seagate 3 Tb drives in what will be RAID-Z2 config. I have a 32gb SSD reserved for this use, but have not deployed it (one drive is RMA'd back to Seagate).

Since I'm going whole-hog here, I'd like to ensure that one system mirrors the other and/or provides for the greatest redundancy. I do have an 'online' backup, currently clocked in around 4tb of data, so at some point this will all be backed up twice over.

That said (and allowing for the paltry gigabit connection) is there a good, fast primer on freenas sharing/rsync? Yes I've looked and read and still haven't gotten it up and running between windows and freenas. I think I need something in the 'idiots' guide level, I guess.

For the two NASs, I figure I can do some benchmarking with the Seagates when they're up and running prior to backing up the first NAS.

I had considered only spinning this unit up at irregular intervals to reduce load and power consumption. Suggestions on this type of aapproach?

Case for the first has 8x internal bays. I went with a 4U rosewill case with 15 bays (4500) for the second one.
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