upgrade 9.10 to 11.1

  1. Cronus94

    Still on FreeNAS-9.10.2-U6

    Hi Everyone So as the header suggests suggests I'm still running version 9.10.2 U6 on my nas server. The only thing I really use it for is storage and plex. Is it time I upgraded? My only concern is that my plex jail might stop working, as I have seen many threads saying just that after...
  2. Tony Self

    Upgrading from 9.10.2-U6 to 11.1 - Help me make an informed decision

    Hi Guys, I need some help. I am currently running 9.10.2-U6 to host my Plex Media Server. I have a number of plugins installed (Plex, Sabnzbd, Sickrage, Transmission, Couchpotato) and additional jails for RClone and OpenVPN. The Sickrage and Couchpotato plugins automatically update. Plex and...
  3. F

    Upgrade from 9.10 to 11.1, gives errors in update.failed, no GUI but jails are working.

    Here it goes. I've been running freenas 9.10-U1 or -U2 for a LONG time more or less stable, but wanted to upgrade to 11.1-U1, that was the easy part. Tried using GUI, no luck. Tried using CLI, no luck. Used USB to upgrade, no luck. (goes for CD and DVD as well. Here is the update.failed info...