
  1. NadoNate

    Smartd won't start on T630 using H730 PERC

    Hi, I'm having an issue getting the SMART service to start on a new build. SPECS: Dell PowerEdge T630 - BIOS 2.7.1 CPU - Xeon E5-2680 (2) Memory - 64GB ECC SAS - PERC H730 HBA Mode - Firmware 4.270.00-8178 Pool - 1 Z3 9 drives FreeNas Version - 11.1-U4 Issue: When I try to enable the SMART...
  2. M

    configure smartd.conf manually

    Hello! I have Freenas 9.10-U4 and some raid 0 virtual disks, that smartctl can detect correctly as /dev/passX. Can i configure smartd manually by the way, that will saved after updates or upgrades? Now [root@storsrv] ~# cat /usr/local/etc/smartd.conf...