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How to: Avoid dead ASRock C2x50 D4i boards by disabling the watchdog

*** Update 19 February 2017 ***
There's no longer any need to do this if you upgrade your BMC firmware to 00.30.00 (or higher), as AS Rock have now issued a firmware fix. Remainder of this resource post for posterity.
*** /Update ***

Hi all,

This is a fairly trivial "how to", but it might just save your board if you have an ASRock C2x50 D4i board. These boards currently have a firmware bug which causes BMC flash memory to be written every time the watchdog is patted. Given enough time, the flash memory massively exceeds its rewrite capacity and you've got a board that won't even POST.

I described my experience when my board died in this post. There seem to be quite a few people losing these boards currently, for example this post.

There are two steps to follow, taken from the current bug report #16190.

First step - disable the watchdog in BIOS. The setting for this is on the "H/W Monitor" page, below the fan control settings.


Second step - disable watchdogd in FreeNAS by creating a tuneable. In the FreeNAS GUI navigate to System > Tunables and create a new tunable with the following settings.

Screen Shot 2016-10-22 at 5.17.17 PM.png

That's it!

If you like, you can verify that the overly frequent flash memory writes have ceased by SSH / TelNet'ing to your BMC (IPMI) IP address and running the command:
inotifywait -mr -e close_write /conf/

In a bad system, you'll see the following file written to every second:

Good luck!

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This seems to work. Glad my FreeNAS Mini now has a fighting chance to live a long and useful life!