Sonarr Not Connecting with my Meda Pool: Search failed, please try again later.


Jun 22, 2023
I am very new to TrueNAS and I have spent a lot of time putting up Plex and associated apps (Sonarr, Radarr and SABnzbd). They all seemed to install fine as plug-ins except for SABnzb which I had to put in directly as a jail. I have been told by experts in this forum that I should install everything via jails and not use plug-ins but I would really prefer not to undo everything I have done since almost all of it is working. The only thing that is not working is Sonarr. It installs and can see the files in my media directory but it cannot import them into Sonarr - I get: Search failed, please try again later.
I have looked on this forum and found suggestions to disable Certificate Validation in the settings which I have done without joy.
I am attaching the Sonarr text log file if that helps.
Please let me know if you think I should uninstall everything and start from scratch and if UNINSTALL from the GUI is the best way to do this.
Any advice on a primer for newbies to TrueNAS would also be most appreciated.

Running: TrueNAS Core 13.1 on an I7/32GB DDR4 ram white box with 2 SSDs mirrored in a boot drive, 4 SSDs in a PlexApp Pool, 5- 2TB spinners in a MainData Pool.


  • sonarr.txt
    202.5 KB · Views: 102
Jan 7, 2015
I think your new enough and not far along enough to just install Sonarr and Radarr in the SABNZB jail manually. The plugins are not very good or well supported. You got sab installed, all the other ones work the same way. The key is putting them all in one jail, the plugins make separate jails, which make getting them all meshing together in a range of scenarios a nightmare due to usernames, permissions, rely on deprecated packages, etc.. Which is likely what you might be experiencing.

Keep a separate jail for plex and put everything else in a single jail. This does require you use the command line. Below is an example but close to what you actually want to do from an SSH session connected to the Truenas host.

iocage list #note the name of the sab jail
iocage console JAILNAME #(the sab jail)
pkg install sonarr radarr # It will generate a list of packages its going to install answer yes or add the -y flag to the command
sysrc sonarr_enable=YES
sysrc radarr_enable=YES
service sonarr start
service radarr start
service sabnzbd start

And really thats it. You should create a _sabnzbd user with UID/GID 350, sonarr user with a UID/GID of 351, and a radarr user with a UID/GID of 352 in the TN GUI>Accounts (create the groups first, and when you create the users select the corresponding new groups by default it wants to create a default group so avoid it, they dont need passwords etc as they wont be logging in). Then allow these users full control access to the core data/shares.


Jun 22, 2023
I think your new enough and not far along enough to just install Sonarr and Radarr in the SABNZB jail manually. The plugins are not very good or well supported. You got sab installed, all the other ones work the same way. The key is putting them all in one jail, the plugins make separate jails, which make getting them all meshing together in a range of scenarios a nightmare due to usernames, permissions, rely on deprecated packages, etc.. Which is likely what you might be experiencing.

Keep a separate jail for plex and put everything else in a single jail. This does require you use the command line. Below is an example but close to what you actually want to do from an SSH session connected to the Truenas host.

iocage list #note the name of the sab jail
iocage console JAILNAME #(the sab jail)
pkg install sonarr radarr # It will generate a list of packages its going to install answer yes or add the -y flag to the command
sysrc sonarr_enable=YES
sysrc radarr_enable=YES
service sonarr start
service radarr start
service sabnzbd start

And really thats it. You should create a _sabnzbd user with UID/GID 350, sonarr user with a UID/GID of 351, and a radarr user with a UID/GID of 352 in the TN GUI>Accounts (create the groups first, and when you create the users select the corresponding new groups by default it wants to create a default group so avoid it, they dont need passwords etc as they wont be logging in). Then allow these users full control access to the core data/shares.
John Digital: I am so grateful you took your valuable time to help me. Thank you. Thank you!
I am so new to TrueNAS that I followed the hand-holding YouTube videos by Black Beard for the installation of Radarr and Sonarr. He did so without plugins - while I used plug-ins for those that worked. After your comment, I (like Black Beard) put, Sonnar and Radarr in the same jail. Radarr ran great but Sonarr still kept failing to connect while giving skyhook errors. I found some other online help that advised getting the latest available root certificates and getting them synchronized. Below are the instructions I used today that seem to have gotten everything working:
Connect to your Sonarr Jail VIA SSH or VIA the TrueNAS Console
# iocage console <pluginname>
iocage console sonarr

# Install WGET
pkg install wget

# Download the latest available root certficates, use cert-sync to synchronize them
wget -O - | cert-sync --user /dev/stdin

# Run these commands from the TrueNAS Shell or SSH Console outside of your Jail
# Copy the CERTs from your Jail to the FreeBSD Jail Package
# Make sure you change <StoragePoolName> to your storage pools name.
# cp -R /mnt/<StoragePoolName>/iocage/jails/sonarr/root/root/.config/.mono/ /mnt/<StoragePoolName>/iocage/releases/12.2-RELEASE/root/usr/share/.mono

I had to figure out the right pool name and release number but it worked!
You sir represent a wonderful community and I really look forward to learning from good folks like yourself in the future.

I just have one more question. Do you think it is worth converting my Core build to Scale? Or perhaps I should let well enough alone. In general, do you find fewer problems with Scale?

Best Wishes, Mike
Jan 7, 2015

Im glad you got it figured. You have now basically learned how to run TrueNAS, if you can do this you can do any of it. So congrats.

Furthermore, Its my absolute pleasure, i enjoy this wonderful community and the excellent software behind it. I like to help where I can just as a thank you to the engineers who make it possible.

I think i first installed FreeNAS in the 7.0 releases and spent alot of time learning it. Now we all find ourselves at a crossroads. As the name Scale suggests i find it more for a datacenter type application or people who want containerized apps. It appears to me that there is a subtle nudge to move everyone to Scale.

Now that i know core and have been thru all of this, theres no chance im switching until im forced to, which I suspect will come some day. My system runs like an absolute top, and the forums are now filled with posts of people who have switched and this or that no longer works further making me have no desire to switch until forced. So i guess to each his own, but i suppose if i were a newbie id just learn Scale now, but i hope Core goes on another 7 versions as its grade A rock solid, for me. I have no plans to Scale my simple serving requirements.

Good luck in whatever you decide and hollar out if you need any help.

Best wishes,



Jun 22, 2023
John, many thanks for sharing your insight and obvious wisdom relative to CORE v SCALE. I am going to follow your lead while I continue to learn about TrueNAS CORE while monitoring the potential march toward SCALE. Again, thank you so much. I imagine you would make a great neighbor. Warm Regards, Mike


Dec 31, 2021
Excellent points there @John Digital

I too started with TrueNAS (12) and have all my necessary services running in basejails. Rustdesk server, Nextcloud, uptime Kuma, etc…

Scale apps are nice, but until they stabilize, and things start to look more “necessary”, I’m also staying with Core.

I do have a Scale server that I run OnlyOffice (can be easily reinstalled from scratch without much issue) and run some testing on.


Dec 31, 2021
If you look at my signature you will find a list of scripts to install commonly used services.
If I run into something I need, I create a script to automate the installation, then share the script here for others.


Jun 22, 2023
Wow, you have opened up a whole new world to me! Many thanks. I have copied the name of the scripts and will research them.