Win10 VM Qs stability and "import" options


Feb 26, 2015
Current setup

1. Stable (until I meddle!) TrueNAS with a few plugins etc
2. Win10 Pro separate hardware
3. I have provisionally created a Win10VM with VirtIO and 12Gb Ram allocation and removed VNC and so far stable (24hrs!)

Aim. I want to put the Win10 machine onto a TN VM. (Power/Space, stability etc)

Q1. How stable are win10VMs (on a stable TrueNAS host). I may be remote for months at a time.
Q2. Win10 updates seem to cause the VM to freeze, doesn't reboot seamlessly like bare metal generally does?
Q3. Is there a "straightforward" way of taking the Baremetal Win10 machine and "importing"into a TrueNAS VM? Can I even "attach" the current bare metal W10 disks to the TrueNAS system and continue with the disks as they are, or something like that?

Many thanks