TrueNAS 12.0U1 - Blank Reporting & Reporting Stats Not Updating


Oct 6, 2018
Hello Community

A happy festive season to you all.

3 different TN systems, all upgraded from one of the 11.3 variants (U3 or above) to TN 12.0, then 12.0u1. All are showing valid, updating stats on the dashboard page, but all are missing (all of) the graphs on the reporting page. There are text/numeric stats displayed, but I see no evidence even they are updating.

I have seen multiple threads around the reporting issues in TN12 (and FN11), most of which talk about either theme changes, reset columns to defaults and/or reset preferences to defaults being a (temporary) solution, along with some which refer to swapping between certain pages on the webUI temporarily solving the issue. I have also seen a number of responses which suggest the issue from v12.0 has been addressed and fixed in 12.0u1. Unfortunately, none of that works on any of my three systems.

Searching JIRA has given me a number of threads, the most pertinent of which appears to be NAS-108032, which is where I get the impression that this issue is viewed as resolved in 12.0u1.

Looking at the questions that have been asked in other threads, one recurring theme seems to be whether RRD is actually logging any data. Unfortunately, I think the fact that this reporting was working historically, when these systems were running v11.3, doesn't allow that diagnostic to be as clear as it could be. I see populated files in the RRD directory structure, but have no idea how old that data is.

# du -h /var/db/system/rrd-8f51756b761f415c89e94b71aae947bd/localhost
131K /var/db/system/rrd-8f51756b761f415c89e94b71aae947bd/localhost/interface-vnet0.5
14K /var/db/system/rrd-8f51756b761f415c89e94b71aae947bd/localhost/disktemp-da46
4.0K /var/db/system/rrd-8f51756b761f415c89e94b71aae947bd/localhost/disktemp-da31
19K /var/db/system/rrd-8f51756b761f415c89e94b71aae947bd/localhost/disk-da70

I don't see anything related in /var/log/messages, but the volume of data going through those files means they are logrotating out on a daily basis. I will reboot the backup NAS shortly to see whether anything obvious crops up there.

Not sure whether it's relevant, but I have also set up a graphite target on InfluxDB, and, while tables are being created, it doesn't look like any of them are getting populated with any data.

Very grateful for any guidance.



Nov 21, 2017
Hi Nick,

Did you manage to find a solution. I think I have the same issue post upgrading a similar path to you. The reporting graphics are absent on my system, although the table to the right which shows the min, max stats is still working, and updates when I change the period over which I am viewing suggesting that the data is being logged.

