TrueCharts high CPU utilization when cataloging


Jan 19, 2022
May I present my solution to this called StripCharts which you can run on your truenas scale box without consuming many resources:
It's a simple dockerized cron script that grabs just the specifed apps from the TrueCharts catalog and pushes them into your own github catalog. You have to provide these environment variables:
  • STRIP_STABLE to specify the stable apps to grab, e.g. nextcloud|plex|traefik|cloudflareddns|vaultwarden (it's important to separate via pipe | because that is directly used inside a grep regex)
  • STRIP_INCUBATOR to specify the incubator apps to grab, e.g. actualserver|breitbandmessung-de
  • STRIP_REPO to specify your git repo URL where to push the stripped down catalog. I recommend github because you can host a repo for free and you can include the auth token to authorize the push, e.g.
The script will always amend and force push on the last commit (or create a new commit, if repo still empty) to prevent the repo from getting larger in file size.

Contributions welcome! thx
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