Scale 22.0RC2 Cert manager / ACME does not support Elliptic curves


Jan 5, 2022
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but when I try to set up an ACME cert (against AWS R53) the EC curve selector only shows the following options:

  • brainpoolP521R1
  • brainpoolP384R1
  • brainpoolP256R1
  • SECP256K1
  • ed25519
My understanding is that ACME only supports the following (as per here)
  • P-256 (prime256v1)
  • P-384 (secp384r1)
  • P-521 (secp521r1) (may be deprecated per docs?)
Their github issue discussions on the subject indicate that those are the only curves by which public certificates may be issued. In any case, attempting to issue a certificate via ACME with any of the TrueNAS EC key types results in an ACME error message ("unsupported curve type"), and only RSA appears to be issuable.

Is this a bug?