SOLVED Owner permission problems with sharing folders and files between Windows & Nextcloud

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Jan 23, 2017
First off, I want to apologize if some of what I say is simple, misstated or unclear. I know very little about commands and have done all the setup through the Freenas UI. I've searched for my issue for a while but haven't found a solution in these forums or anywhere else. Maybe what I'm trying to do can be done easier another way, or can't be done, but I have no clue so that's why I'm asking here.

This is what I'm trying to accomplish: I want to set up folders in Freenas that I can access locally through Windows machines and remotely through Nextcloud. So far, I have users, groups, volumes (with Unix permission type) and Windows shares set up in Freenas and can access the files through Windows easily. I mounted the folder I want to access through Nexcloud in the jail storage options in Freenas and set up the external storage in Nextcloud. This is where I have permission issues.

If I have any user besides the Unix "www" user set as the volume owner in Freenas, Nextcloud says that I can't edit or create files in the folder I mounted, even if the "www" user is a member of the owner group that has full permissions. So, I set the "www" user as the owner of the volume and fixed that issue. I'm now able to write and edit files in the mounted folder, and anything I add through Nextcloud shows up and can be edited when I access the shared volume through Windows. My issue is that if I create a file or folder in that shared volume through Windows, it won't show up in the Nextcloud mounted folder because Windows doesn't assign the "www" user as the file/folder owner. Windows only assigns the group and the user I use to log into the shared volume.

If I go to the advanced sharing settings for the volume through Windows and select "Replace all child object permission entities with inheritable permission entries from this object", it assigns the "www" user as owner of all the sub folders and files. Which is great, but I would have to do that any time I made a folder or file through Windows and that's not practical for what I want to use it for. I can also do something similar by checking the "Set permission recursively" box in the volume permission settings in Freenas, but again, its impractical.

There may be a very simple solution, or maybe what I'm trying to accomplish can't be done, but I'd appreciate any help I can get and will try to answer any questions as quickly as possible.
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