No drive after encryption

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Aug 24, 2013
Hi Folks,

Im a bit of a noob with freenas. A few months ago I installed freenas 8.3.1 on an old PC with just a single 80gb harddrive. Its been a bit of bumpy ride getting my head around how it all works.

Anyway, today I went out and bought 2 x 2tb hard drives and installed them in the pc. I wanted to set them up as RAID 1 so using volume manager I selected the two drives, gave it a name, selected ZFS. It gave me the option to enable encryption so I ticked it along with 'Initialize with random data' and then mirror. Then I clicked the 'Add Volume'.

It showed a progress meter so I left the computer whilst I went off and did other things. When I came back it was back on the storage tab but no drive listed. I read that I should get the option to set a passphrase. Nothing has shown up. I can see the two drives listed under 'View Disks'. I thought maybe it didnt work so I tried repeating the steps. When I do I get the following error:

Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Software Version: FreeNAS-8.3.1-RELEASE-p2-x64 (r12686+b770da6_dirty)
Exception Type: DatabaseError
Exception Value:
database is locked
Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/sqlite3/ in execute, line 344
Server time: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 20:42:33 +1000

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance
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