zfs pool issue

  1. N

    SOLVED ZFS Dataset question-Creating an Area on the Boot Drive for Custom Scripts

    Here's the TLDR; So IIUC, it appears that for someone starting from scratch the steps would be: zfs create freenas-boot/CUSTOM zfs set mountpoint=/CUSTOM freenas-boot/CUSTOM zfs set canmount=on freenas-boot/CUSTOM zfs mount freenas-boot/CUSTOM the dataset /CUSTOM is now available and ready...
  2. F

    Hard drives with different cache sizes?

    I have a FreeNAS box I've been using for a few years now that has 3 of the drives linked below in RAIDZ1: (HGST DeckStar NAS 3.5" 4TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache Drive) https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA2W04177421 I went to buy another one of these drives so I could rebuild my pool...
  3. N

    One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error. - How do I proceed?

    I just had a disk drop off my main RAIDZ2 pool and I need some guidance to troubleshoot/recover. I am running FreeNAS-8.3.1-RELEASE-x64 (r13452), and am getting ready to upgrade. Disk Configuration: /dev/ada0,1,2,3 - TANK - RAIDZ2 /dev/ada4,5 - SCRATCH - RAIDZ /dev/ada6 - attached to a hot...
  4. unholyrattrap

    Permanent Errors in RAIDZ2 pool, scrubs can't clean it. Thoughts on how to fix it?

    So I will admit I have some older drives that have generally performed happy and healthy and pass their smart tests. I also do not have ECC ram running in the box. I do have snapshots running on each volume, and I am doing some light iSCSI off for utility boxes with VMware. With all that being...