
  1. ivanavm

    Best practice for remote access

    I have multiple SMB users in local network, and that is fine. I want to have couple of folders sheared online with easy access to editing for specific users so that I can grant and revoke permissions and access. What is the best and secure way of opening FreeNAS server to Internet, but also...
  2. K

    SSL from Jail in FreeNAS System -> Certificates

    Hello, I'm looking for a solution with linking SSL from jail (generated by Lets Encrypt) to one of named imported certs in FreeNAS System -> Certificates. Now I'm manually updates certificate which I'm using in FTP of FreeNAS - Is it possible to automate it? Maybe its stupid question, but
  3. Keven

    how to make CA's certificate with green box in chrome

    after googling a little bit i saw some old post talking about the version 58 of chrome that break the ssl green box, putting it in red and dashed. i installed the certificate in the thrust root certification in chrome, i didn't get the green box, and now i need to click on continu to ...
  4. A

    Best server protocol for external file sharing?

    I have FreeNAS on an old server computer in my room and its sole purpose is to allow me and my friends to upload, download, and share large files with each other (because discord only supports 8mb and google drive only has 15gb for free). I used WebDAV because it is accessible inside of file...
  5. G

    AD Certificate Import confusion

    Hello, i have a WS2016 AD CS/CA and a FreeNAS setup on the same network. I have succesfully gotten the FreeNAS box to join the domain. I wish to use SSL capabilities and encryption with the NAS, so I'd like it to use the ADs Certificate Authority. However, I can find no way to export the CAs...
  6. A

    Help with WebDAV SSL Certificate

    I have successfully created a WebDAV server that can be mapped as a network drive on Windows, and my iPhone. I have also port forwarded it and that works (with HTTP and port 8080) I followed a tutorial on self signing a certificate, and installing the certificate on my computer to be able to...
  7. Brailyn

    Fix Broken SSL Certificate via Console

    Hello, My HTTPS certificate recently expired, so I set out to make a new one... and it went south. Chrome wouldn't connect since the expiry...Internet Exploder would and no longer seems happy: The website’s security certificate is not secure. Error Code: 0 Because this site uses HTTP...
  8. J

    FreeNAS 11 HTTPS/SSL Zertifizierung?

    Moin liebe FreeNAS Community, gibt es eine Anleitung zum Installieren eines überprüften HTTPS/SSL Zertifikates (Lets Encrypt etc.)? Suche schon seit stunden und komme zu keinen Ergebnissen. Ich freue mich auf Antwort! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Johannes
  9. Q


    Dear people, Just watched this video It explains how to make CA's and Certs for SSL/TLS Following the steps its Create internal CA *common name random export certificate and import into browser under trusted ca's create internal Certificate...
  10. codyf51

    How to install SSL on NextCloud Jails

    Hello, How would I go about adding a signed certificate to my NextCloud jail? I created a signing certificate request in FreeNAS and then added the certificate, however I don't even have the option to use this to administer the web GUI. Note I specifically did not create a certificate...
  11. M

    SOLVED Unable to inport new SSL cert

    Hi all, I am trying to update my freenas instance with a new SSL cert for web access, but am having difficulty getting the certificate to be imported. I have tried both with and without an encrypted private key. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Request Method: POST Request URL...
  12. kaipee

    How do I enable SSL for the vboxwebsrv service?

    I have phpvirtualbox set up on my FreeNAS Mini, everything is going not so bad so far. I have enabled SSL for logging into the web interface, but would like to enable SSL for the actual vboxwebsrv service itself (I often use RemoteBox to connect directly to the service) - I would also like to...
  13. K

    SSL vulnerability - apache24/php7

    hi, i installed nextcloud with php, apache and mysql (tutorial The problem is, that the SSL-Lab rating is F, because of the CVE-2016-2107 vulnerability. I have no idea where the problem is and...
  14. Janus Ng

    SOLVED WebGUI failed after stuck in Create CSR

    Hi All, After several attempts to import a valid server certificate for the WebGUI of FreeNAS, I clicked "Create Certificate Signing Request" button on the System/Certificate tab. WebGUI stuck for more than 5 minutes after I filled the fields and hit "Create" button. I tried to load the WebGUI...