
  1. Garfje

    11.2-U5 setting kFreeBSD.vfs.zfs.recover=1 and kFreeBSD.vfs.zfs.debug=1?

    Hi all, Can someone tell me if there is an equivalent to setting the two kernel variables (kFreeBSD.vfs.zfs.recover=1 and kFreeBSD.vfs.zfs.debug=1) in the grub loader, in the newer FreeBSD loader? I have a broken pool which causes a panic when importing. I need to enable debug to try and...
  2. S

    NAS Recovering Deleted files on a UFS Drive

    Not sure where to post this question, but here it is... Due to an error on my part, several hundred movies were accidentally deleted from a drive on my FreeNAS server. Using the SHELL, I CD / and mounted the drive. Within the specific folder where these files resided, I can perform the LS...