plugins "no data to display"

  1. H

    Upgrading to 11.2B3 loses plugins and jails in UI

    Hello, I've decided to upgrade my FreeNAS 9.10 to the latest version through the user interface method. It worked but not quite. I had only two plugins installed: Plex and transmission. They are not shown in the UI but they are still running. I also have a simple jail to run ssh and to keep...
  2. L

    FN 11.2 Plugins: No data to display

    Hi guys, I just installed FN11.2 to see how it is. When I clicked on Plugins->Available it says "No data to display". I went to the manual and it said I should check whether I can ping something in the Internet, which works fine. Is there anything else I should try? Forum search for "No data to...