
  1. Devilpuppet

    "Invisible" folders with content, but it's definitely there and can be accessed.

    Hi guys, I have been a happy user of FreeNAS for a while now (I love tinkering with it, to get it to work as I want it), but I've recently noticed something weird: One of my folders has disappeared from my Finder on Mac OS. I'm running Transmission and Plex on my server (next to some backups)...
  2. muffinMan

    macOS users: how to tweak AFP and SMB shares to work simultaneously?

    I'm new to FreeNAS. I'm running 11.1-U4 and set up two shares: an AFP share for Time Machine and an SMB for media. It works, but not 100% as it's supposed to I think... I'm looking for some advice or direction to resources that might help me. When looking at Finder, I see my NAS, but only can...
  3. B

    AFP shares dont show in finder

    Hi, I have a couple of afp shares, timemachines and smb shares (separate datasets) and i am having stability issues. The freenas server doesnt show up in the finder sidabar nor in go->networks. If i restart the afp service on freenas, it shows up in finder. If i switch between wired and wlan or...
  4. F

    OSX Finder copy to CIFS, file dates reset

    When I drag and drop copy files from Mac internal HDD to Freenas 9.3 CIFs networked share, the file dates of the files on Freenas share are all lost and reset to the time of the copy. Windows 7 is able to copy files to the same share and correctly preserve the file dates. How do I make CIFs...