decrypt disks

  1. N

    SOLVED Unable to decrypt Volumes

    I had/have had Freenas version 11.1 U7 up and running well. I tried to update to 11.2 without success, so reverted back to11.1 without any problems. I recently tried to update again this time on a USB flash drive instead of a CD as previously attempted. The install still would not work, so I...
  2. dpchrist

    FreeNAS 11.2 RELEASE -> Storage / Pools / Import Pool -> Decrypting Disks Starting job...

    FreeNAS storage forum: I did a fresh install of FreeNAS 11.2 RELEASE, created an encrypted pool, downloaded the recovery key, and set an encryption passphrase. When I restarted FreeNAS, I navigated to Storage -> Pools, clicked "Add", selected "Import an existing pool", clicked "Next", selected...
  3. S

    Import Volume - Decrypt disks

    Was running FreeNAS Corral. Downloaded key for volume. Installed FreeNAS 9.10.2-U5. Volume that was not encrypted works fine, no problems at all. Error message: With key and Passphrase GUI Environment: Software Version: FreeNAS-9.10.2-U5 (561f0d7a1) Request Method: POST Request URL...