
  1. victort

    Scripted Database Installation 03-01-2024

    This script is for TrueNAS CORE. Can also be used on other FreeBSD systems. This script will automate the installation MariaDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL for you. All you need to do is define which one you prefer and set your preferred database user and database name. Instructions and downlods are...
  2. CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet

    Where is does Plex keep its database (are the offical docs wrong)?

    I'm currently in the process of preparing to upgrade my primary server from 9.10-u6 to 11.2.u4.1. Which also means that I'll be making the transition from Warden to iocage Jails. For the most part, I'm gonna take the opportunity to redo some of my Jails from the ground up but as I have a few...
  3. snickasaurus

    Here is a script to email your FreeNAS database backup

    Hello all. I've been playing around with my commandlinefu to keep it strong. There are definitely some great scripts out here to keep an eye on one's FreeNAS box. I just wanted to share this one in hopes someone might like it or a scripting/security guru could tell me how dumb of an idea it is...
  4. L

    Every update from 10.0.4 to 11 Fails

    Hello, I am currently on FreeNas 10.0.4 or 10.4, and I'm trying to update to FreeNas 11 STABLE. Everytime I update, it applies it and then restarts, loads usb devices, and when it tries to connect to the database: It says: /data/freenas-v1.db unable to open database file then a whole bunch of...
  5. N

    Freenas Owncloud share a database

    So I have owncloud set up nice and secure to access form outside my network. My only issue is how can I access the files on my owncloud locally from freenas? Wouldn't I just set up a share to a folder inside the owncloud jail? I am not sure how to go about this. Any help would be amazing.
  6. Nerdlinger

    So what IS in the DB?

    So, I implemented the script that does the monthly backup of the DB. that's fine. I modified it to include some scripts that I added under /root/scripts. but I'm not clear on what else I need to back up on a regular basis.... I guess I am just not sure whats IN the db vs whats in the OS...