change log

  1. JoshDW19

    FreeNAS Forums Change-log

    This is a change-log to notify you as users if there are any forum level changes so we can try to help keep everyone in the loop, and help you take advantage of new features as they come out. This may include plugins, theme updates, and updates on maintenance. If you have any questions please...
  2. Tigersharke

    XenForo 1.x Forum themes: "New Style" - changelog and discussion

    Hello! I have decided that it may be best to allow JoshDW19 his own changelogesque comments about the New Style theme and your requests for improvements to it, seperate from those of my own theme (aka Experimental). Therefore, the other thread has been closed and two new threads exist to...
  3. Tigersharke

    Xenforo 1.x Forum themes: "Ganz großes Kino theme" - changelog

    Hello! I have decided that it may be best to seperate my frequent changelogesque comments about the Ganz großes Kino theme and your requests for improvements to it, from those of the other theme (aka New Style). Therefore, the other thread has been closed and two new threads exist to replace...