11 nightlies updates

  1. M

    SOLVED SMB Shares Can't be Accessed From a Mac Machine.

    Update [Oct 14, 2017] As of FreeNAS-11-MASTER-201710140514, this issue seems to have been solved; confirmed on two different FreeNAS machines. Mamdoh -------------- Hi everyone, I’m having a problem with SMB shares on MacOS Sierra. I can see the shares in “Finder”, but, when I click on them...
  2. F

    SOLVED 11 Nightlies - no updates?

    I'm still on 201706150433 and just wondering if there have been no updates for nearly 5 days or if there is bug? Another user has reported the same. I'm not particularly worried, it's just that I've been on nightlies for a fair while now and the updates have pretty much been every single day.