Hardware Recommendations Guide

Hardware Recommendations Guide Rev 2a) 2021-01-24

This is the latest edition of the FreeNAS Community hardware recommendations guide.

The current major version is R2, dated January 2021, with the last minor update on 2021-01-24.

The format has moved away from the forum post form factor, to keep things manageable and to take advantage of the newly-working Resources section.

To download the document in PDF format, please use the orange button.

For a much shorter list of recommended hardware, please check the Quick Hardware Guide.

Please discuss this document in the forum thread linked at the top of the page. Suggestions, fixes and any other recommendations should also be posted there.

Previous editions:
2014/2015 by cyberjock: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/hardware-recommendations-read-this-first.23069/

2013 by jgreco: http://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/so-you-want-some-hardware-suggestions.12276/
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 30 ratings

More resources from Ericloewe

Latest updates

  1. Revision 2 is out!

    After a long wait for Half-Life 3 Revision 2 of the Hardware Recommendations Guide, it is...
  2. Minor update

    This isn't actually an update. I got fed up of people saying "oh, this page is so old, are there...
  3. Revision 1 e) (minor update)

    Revision 1 e) is a very small update. Only the introduction has seen any changes, to reflect...
  4. Revision 1 d) (fixed)

    Due to forum issues, the original upload of Revision 1d) was borked. This update is intended to...
  5. Revision 1 d)

    Revision 1 d) is a minor update to the Hardware Recommendations Guide and contains the following...

Latest reviews

Really nice and informative. Minor nitpicking...

The page marked as "10" (or "13") has this typo in it:

"All of these, except for the LSI SAS 9211 and 9207,
must be cross-flashed. All of these, except for the LSI SAS 9211 and 9207, must be cross-flashed."
Well, that one took me a while to figure out, but it's fixed in the next version. Thanks!
Great document. Very informative.
A thorough compendium of all things TrueNas hardware related.
The guide is most excellent! The only suggestion I have is a section in each section, or overall section where it has the summary of actual hardware.

The scope of the document is great, but what about actual hardware. Was the HCL list from Freebsd linked also?

Both should be there for "Hardware Recommendation List". From a document maintenance standpoint, could see how not including it could be positive.
There's a quick hardware guide to fill the need for "just a summary of what's good": https://www.truenas.com/community/resources/freenas%C2%AE-quick-hardware-guide.7/
The only thing missing is a consideration of CMR drives vs SMR in the NAS drives section. This may have been done to avoid controversy / drama in the comments section, but it's an important consideration, regardless.
It was not a conscious decision and the topic has raised enough questions that it does deserve at least a mention.
Great document! It defenitely clears the main doubts about RAM.
Great article, should be required reading for all new members of the site.It will either be a confirmation for an experienced user or gratefully accepted information fire hose for us newbies.
da best
First stop to any person coming to the forum and planning to build a solid and reliable NAS.
It took me a while to fully appreciate what this guide has to offer. Fantastic resource and kept up to date, even if you don't realize it at first. I would consider this the guide for hardware.