can connect to smb share with windows powershell but not explorer


May 24, 2023
I can connect to my SMB share via powershell "net use V: \\\MyShare /PERSISTENT:YES", but the share does not show up in windows explorer. I confirmed from my NAS that files can be copied over via powershell and make it to the dataset, but when I try to open an explorer window via "explorer ."

I tried connecting directly through windows explorer first, but I got an error message saying the folder was invalid.

I'm not sure what information would be best to diagnose this issue. I just installed the current bluefin release a couple hours ago.


  • explorer-error.png
    7 KB · Views: 105


May 24, 2023
I finally found a similar question but the solution did not help my situation. Here's a link to the solved issue: Windows can't connect to SMB share

TLDR: I updated a lan manager group policy setting to enforce NTLM2. There was no change in the behavior of my system trying to connect to the share.


May 24, 2023
My issue seems to be solved finally. I had to manually restart the workstation service. There were no connected drives listed even after restarting, but it seemed to do the trick.

For posterity Here's what I did.

1.) Followed all TrueNAS Scale guides to setting up a samba share, until the part where you connect a windows machine.
2.) Edit the group policy as mentioned in the other post I found (not sure if this is necesary).
run gpedit.msc
nav to “Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options"
Find “Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level” and right click on this policy and choose “Properties”.
Choose “Send NTLMv2 response only/refuse LM & NTLM”.
3.) Restart workstation service
open an elevated cmd prompt
run "net stop workstation /y"
run "net start workstation"
4.) Use Powershell to create the network drive
Open a non-elevated Powershell ISE
run the following with your substitutions
New-PSDrive -Name "DRIVE_LETTER" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\TRUENAS_IP\SAHRE_NAME" -Persist -Credential "TRUENAS_USER"
You will see a pop up dialogue asking for the password.
You should see confirmation in the powershell window

Then just double check in explorer to see the network share with the specified drive letter.

Good luck!