TrueCommand Documentation Archive
This content follows TrueCommand 2.3 releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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TrueCommand 2.1 - 2.3 Release Notes
22 minute read.
Last Modified 2024-03-19 09:09 EDTTrueNAS Quality Lifecycle
Release Stage | Completed QA Cycles | Typical Use | Description |
NIGHTLY | 0 | Developers | Incomplete |
ALPHA | 1 | Testers | Not much field testing |
BETA | 2 | Enthusiasts | Major Feature Complete, but expect some bugs |
RC | 4 | Home Users | Suitable for non-critical deployments |
RELEASE | 6 | General Use | Suitable for less complex deployments |
U1 | 7 | Business Use | Suitable for more complex deployments |
U2+ | 8 | Larger Systems | Suitable for higher uptime deployments |
All release dates listed are tentative and are subject to change. The items in this list might not show every deadline or testing cycle that iXsystems uses to manage internal effort.
The progress and specific work is being tracked through tickets opened in Jira. If you have a feature suggestion or bug report, create a Jira account and file a ticket in the TrueNAS or TrueCommand projects. TrueNAS SCALE tickets are also tracked in the TrueNAS Jira Project.
Version | Checkpoint | Scheduled Date |
TBD | Code-freeze | TBD |
Internal Testing Sprints | TBD | |
Tag | TBD | |
Release | TBD |
June 20, 2023
iXsystems is pleased to release TrueCommand 2.3.3! This release is a maintenance release that fixes issues identified in earlier releases, improves clustering, and ties TrueNAS system websocket state (WS) with the websocket (WG) connection. Clustering changes include:
- Systems in clusters must have the same version of SCALE installed
- Distributed Dispersed cluster volumes are now an available option
- TC-1708 Cluster Volumes : Distributed Dispersed not an option
- TC-2714 Tie NAS WS state with WG connection
- TC-2751 systems should have the same version in creating a cluster
- TC-2752 systems should have the same version in creating a cluster - MW
- TC-2769 Improve help text for New System password fields
- TC-2726 Renamed groups appear as old name and are not loaded properly when editing
- TC-2727 Uploading or resetting certificates closes UI WS connection
- TC-2732 NAS HTTPS connections backed by certificates created with brainpool curves fail TLS handshakes
- TC-2749 3 part domains are not allowed
Known issues are those found during internal testing or reported by the community and are listed in two tables:
- Issues from a release that will be resolved in a future targeted release(s).
- Issues resolved in a particular version.
Seen In | Key | Summary | Details / Workaround | Resolution Target |
2.3.2 | TC-2734 | Creating an iSCSI volume doesn’t set Start Automatically for the iSCSI service | When creating an iSCSI volume through TrueCommand should automatically select the Start Automatically option for the iSCSI service on the TrueNAS system but does not. Administrator must manually selected in the TrueNAS system. | TBD |
2.3.2 | TC-2729 | Cluster issues after updating individual notes to 22.12.2 | A cluster, created in TrueCommand 2.3.2, using four nodes with 22.12.1 and an SMB share, and that upgrades to 22.12.2 results in the SMB share being inaccessible. | 3.0 |
2.3.2 | TC-2706 | API error displays after Updating a NAS System with TrueCommand | An API error displays after logging into TrueCommand and using it to update a NAS system. | TBD |
2.3.2 | TC-2705 | Deleting a volume with the TC iSCSI Manager does not delete iSCSI Initiators Group | After deleting an iSCSI volume using TC iSCSI Manager does not delete the Initiator Group but does delete the rest of the iSCSI block share. | TBD |
2.3.0 | TC-2609 | Unable to recreate a cluster after removing the cluster | After removing a cluster, cannot to create a new cluster because the dropdown list does not populate all settings. This prevents configuring required settings. We recommend that you not delete your cluster until this is fixed. Underlying issue is identified and scheduled for the next release. | TBD |
2.3.0 | TC-2524 | Notices WebSocket test results are unstable | Most tests pass while some fail, but fails don’t occur on the same test. Possible middleware issue. | Backlog |
Login to the TrueCommand Account Portal for downloads, documentation links, and licensing options. For storage clusters with more than 50 disks, the account portal also offers a free 60-day trial license with unlimited disks.
Due to the changes in integrating with the TrueNAS middleware, the minimum version for full-support of functionality has changed with TrueCommand 2.1:
- FreeNAS/TrueNAS 11.3 series - No longer supported. Does not provide realtime statistics or storage information, but you can still connect to them and use TrueCommand to initiate updates.
- TrueNAS 12 CORE/Enterprise - Supported after 12.0-U3. 12.0-U2.1 and older are missing some key metrics in the realtime stats (disk/network usage metrics in particular), but work otherwise.
- TrueNAS SCALE 21.03+ - Fully Supported (SCALE-20.12+ is supported excluding cluster functionality)
Prior To Updating
As a best practice, TrueCommand admins should backup their instance’s data directory before deploying TrueCommand updates. If issues arise after updating, admins can simply pull the previous TC docker image and redeploy with their previous data directory.
Important Note for Upgrading from v1.3
Updating from TrueCommand v1.3 to v2.0 or newer involves a database migration process. This preserves all configuration data, but does not preserve old performance statistics. Additionally, it is not possible to roll back to TrueCommand v1.3 from v2.1. Please use caution when upgrading production TrueCommand systems. If necessary, run TrueCommand 1.3 and TrueCommand 2.1 in parallel for a transition period. Simply use the “ixsystems/truecommand:1.3.2” docker image to continue using that specific version of TrueCommand.
Docker: Re-run docker pull ixsystems/truecommand
to fetch the latest version of TrueCommand, and then restart your docker instance.
Cloud Deployments: iXsystems coordinates a time when cloud based deployments update to the latest version.