Adding Cloud Credentials

The Cloud Credentials widget on the Backup Credentials screen allows users to integrate TrueNAS with cloud storage providers. These providers are supported for Cloud Sync tasks in TrueNAS SCALE: Amazon S3 Backblaze B2 Box Dropbox File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Google Cloud Storage Google Drive Google Photos Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Hubic (closed to new accounts) Mega Microsoft Azure Blob Storage OpenStack Swift pCloud SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Storj iX WebDAV Yandex To maximize security, TrueNAS encrypts cloud credentials when saving them.
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Cloud Credentials Screens

The Backup Credentials screen displays the Cloud Credentials, SSH Connections and SSH Keypairs widgets. Cloud Credentials Widget The Cloud Credentials widget displays a list of cloud storage credentials configured on the system. Before adding cloud credentials for a cloud storage provider, the Cloud Credentials widget displays No Cloud Credentials configured. Add opens the Cloud Credentials configuration screen. Click the name of a cloud credential to open the Cloud Credentials configuration screen populated with the settings for that credential.
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WebDAV Screen

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of HTTP. It is a protocol designed to help with web content authoring and management. Use the Sharing WebDAV screen to configure WebDAV on your TrueNAS. Click COLUMNS to change the columns displayed in the table. Options are Select All, Description, Path, Enabled, Read Only, Change User and Group Owners or Reset to Defaults. Click ADD to open the WebDAV configuration screen.
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WebDav Share Creation

TrueNAS supports (WebDAV), or Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning. WebDAV makes it easy to share a TrueNAS dataset and its contents over the web. To create a new share, make sure a dataset is available with all the data for sharing. Share Configuration Go to Sharing > WebDAV Shares and click ADD. Enter a name for the share in Name and use the file browser to select the dataset to share.
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WebDAV Services Screen

The WebDAV protocol contains extensions to HTTP. These extensions expand the capabilities of a webserver. It can act as a collaborative authoring and management tool for web content. Use the Services WebDAV screen to enable WebDAV services on your TrueNAS. Click ADD to open the WebDAV settings screen. General Options Name Description Protocol Select the protocol from the dropdown list. HTTP keeps the connection unencrypted. HTTPS encrypts the connection. HTTP+HTTPS allows both types of connections.
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Community applications are created and maintained by members of the TrueNAS community. Similarly, community members actively maintain application articles in this section. Click Edit Page in the top right corner to propose changes to this article. The WebDAV application is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on remote web servers. It serves as the replacement for the built-in TrueNAS SCALE WebDAV feature.
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