Issue Reporting in Jira

We encourage all users to help us make TrueNAS the best NAS by reporting issues, requesting potentially helpful features, and relaying security vulnerabilities. Issue Reporting in Jira iXsystems uses Jira to track bugs and develop features. You can view public issues without logging in, but you must create an Atlassian account to report bugs or suggest features. Submitting Bug Reports In Jira Go to the TrueNAS project on Jira and click Create in the top bar.
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Getting Support

There are several options to get support for your TrueNAS installation. TrueNAS CORE users can engage with the TrueNAS community to answer questions and resolve issues. TrueNAS Enterprise hardware customers can also access the fast and effective support directly provided by iXsystems. TrueNAS CORE users are welcome to report bugs and vote for or suggest new TrueNAS features in the project Jira instance. Have questions? We recommend searching through the software documentation and community resources for answers.
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Providing Feedback in SCALE

We encourage TrueNAS SCALE users to report bugs and to vote for or suggest new TrueNAS features in the project Jira instance. You must have a Jira account to create a bug ticket. If you encounter a bug or other issue while using TrueNAS SCALE, you can report issues in one of two ways: Log into Jira and use Create to open a new ticket details. Use the How would you rate this page?
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Adding a License and Proactive Support

Adding a TrueNAS Enterprise License For users with a valid TrueNAS license, click Add License. Copy your license into the box and click Save. You are prompted to reload the page for the license to take effect, click RELOAD NOW. Log back into the WebUI where the End User License Agreement (EULA) displays. Read it thoroughly and completely. After you finish, click I AGREE. The system information updates to reflect the licensing specifics for the system.
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Support Namespace The support namespace has nine commands and is based on Proactive Support management functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to system proactive support account settings and methods through the support commands. Support Commands The following support commands allow you to configure Proactive support account settings, create a new support ticket and attach files to an existing ticket. You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the support namespace prompt.
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Getting Support

About TrueNAS Support TrueNAS Enterprise Enterprise SCALE hardware customers with support contracts can contact iXsystems Support using either the Commercial Support option on the top header of the TrueNAS Documentation Hub website, or through one of the contact options listed below. Contacting iXsystems Support Customers who purchase iXsystems hardware or that want additional support must have a support contract to use iXsystems Support Services. The TrueNAS Community forums provides free support for users without an iXsystems Support contract.
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The Support screen displays system information. Users may also manage thier Enterprise license and create support tickets. TrueNAS CORE Name Description Username Your JIRA username. Password Your JIRA password. Type Select Bug when reporting an issue or Feature when requesting new functionality. Category Category that best describes the bug or feature. Attach Debug Generates and attaches an overview of the system hardware, build string, and configuration. Subject A descriptive title for the new issue.
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