
Permissions control the actions users can perform on dataset contents. TrueNAS allows using both a simple permissions manager and editing a full Access Control List (ACL) for defining dataset permissions. To change dataset permissions, go to Storage > Pools > more_vert Edit Permissions for a dataset. Basic Permissions Editor The Edit Permissions option allows basic adjustments to a datasets ACL. Options The Owner section controls which TrueNAS user and group has full control of this dataset.
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Create Pool

TrueNAS uses ZFS data storage pools to efficiently store and protect data. What is a pool? Storage pools attach drives organized into virtual devices called VDEVs. Drives arranged inside VDEVs provide varying amounts of redundancy and performance. ZFS and VDEVs combined create high-performance pools that maximize data lifetime. ZFS and TrueNAS periodically review and heal when discovering a bad block in a pool. Reviewing Storage Needs We strongly recommend that you review your available system resources and plan your storage use case before creating a storage pool.
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Pool Creation Wizard

The Pool Creation Wizard configuration screens include a configuration preview and an inventory list of disks available on the system. Create Pool at the top right of the Storage Dashboard screen opens the Pool Creation Wizard. Figure 1: Pool Creation Wizard Configuration Preview displays a list of pool and VDEV settings that dynamically update as you configure settings in the wizard. Inventory displays the number of available disks by size on the system, and this list dynamically updates as disks move to VDEVs added in the wizard.
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The Storage Dashboard screen allows users to configure and manage storage resources such as pools (VDEVs), and disks, and keep the pool healthy (scrub). The dashboard widgets organize functions related to storage resources. No Pools Screen The No Pools screen displays before you add the first pool. Figure 1: Storage Dashboard without Pools The Create Pool button in the center of the screen opens the Pool Creation Wizard screen. Storage Dashboard The buttons at the top right of the Storage Dashboard screen provide access to pool and disk functions:
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The Datasets screen and widgets display information about datasets, provide access to data management functions, indicate the dataset roles, list the services using the dataset, and show the encryption status and the permissions the dataset has in place. The screen focuses on managing data storage including user and group quotas, snapshots, and other data protection measures. Datasets Screen The Datasets screen displays No Datasets with a Create Pool button in the center of the screen until you add a pool and the first root dataset.
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Fusion Pools

Fusion Pools are also known as ZFS allocation classes, ZFS special vdevs, and metadata vdevs (Metadata vdev type on the Pool Manager screen.). What's a special VDEV? A special VDEV can store metadata such as file locations and allocation tables. The allocations in the special class are dedicated to specific block types. By default, this includes all metadata, the indirect blocks of user data, and any deduplication tables. The class can also be provisioned to accept small file blocks.
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Managing User or Group Quotas

TrueNAS allows setting data or object quotas for user accounts and groups cached on, or connected to the system. You can use the quota settings on the Add Dataset or Edit Dataset configuration screens in the Advanced Options settings to set up alarms and set aside more space in a dataset. See Adding and Managing Datasets for more information. To manage the dataset overall capacity, use Edit on the Dataset Space Management widget to open the Capacity Settings screen.
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The Snapshots screen lists dataset snapshots on the system. It allows you to add new or manage existing snapshots. Access to the Snapshots screen is available using the Manage Snapshots link on the Data Protection widget on the Datasets screen and by clicking Snapshots on the Periodic Snapshot Tasks widget on the Data Protection screen. If the selected dataset does not have snapshots, the screen displays No Snapshots are Available. Figure 1: No Snapshots Available Enter a dataset path in the search field at the top of the screen to check for snapshots for other datasets.
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Creating Snapshots

Snapshots are one of the most powerful features of ZFS. A snapshot provides a read only point-in-time copy of a file system or volume. This copy does not consume extra space in the ZFS pool. The snapshot only records the differences between storage block references whenever the data is modified. Why do I want to keep snapshots? Snapshots keep a history of files and provide a way to recover an older or even deleted files.
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Disks Screens

Use the Storage > Disks screen to add or manage disks in your TrueNAS. Use the blue Columns button to display a list of options to modify the information displayed in the list of disks. Use the arrow_forward_ios expand symbol to the right of any disk on the list to expand that disk to show settings and actions for that disk. Disk Information Screen The Disks individual disk information screen includes details about the disk settings and status.
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