The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a simple option for data transfers. The SSH options provide secure transfer methods for critical objects like configuration files, while the Trivial FTP options provide simple file transfer methods for non-critical files. Options for configuring FTP, SSH, and TFTP are in System Settings > Services. Click the edit to configure the related service. Configuring FTP For Any Local User FTP requires a new dataset and a local user account.
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FTP Service Screen

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a simple option for data transfers. The SSH options provide secure transfer methods for critical objects like configuration files, while the Trivial FTP options provide simple file transfer methods for non-critical files. The FTP service has basic and advanced setting options. Click the edit for FTP to open the Basic Settings configuration screen. FTP Basic Settings To configure FTP, go to System Settings > Services and find FTP, then click edit.
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iSCSI Services Screen

The iSCSI screen displays settings to configure iSCSI block shares. About the Block (iSCSI) Sharing Protocol Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) represents standards for using Internet-based protocols for linking binary data storage device aggregations. IBM and Cisco submitted the draft standards in March 2000. Since then, iSCSI has seen widespread adoption into enterprise IT environments. iSCSI functions through encapsulation. The Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI) encapsulates SCSI commands and storage data within the session stack.
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The Services > NFS configuration screen displays settings to customize the TrueNAS NFS service. You can access it from System Settings > Services screen. Locate NFS and click edit to open the screen, or use the Config Service option on the Unix (NFS) Share widget options menu found on the main Sharing screen. Select Start Automatically to activate the NFS service when TrueNAS boots. Figure 1: NFS Service Settings Configuring NFS Service We recommend using the default NFS settings unless you require specific settings.
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NFS Services Screen

The System Settings > Services screen includes two icons on the NFS service row: NFS Sessions opens the NFS Sessions screen. Configure opens the NFS Service screen. The UDP protocol is deprecated and not supported with NFS. It is disabled by default in the Linux kernel. Using UDP over NFS on modern networks (1Gb+) can lead to data corruption caused by fragmentation during high loads. NFS Service Screen The Services > NFS configuration screen displays settings to customize the TrueNAS NFS service.
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There is a special consideration when installing TrueNAS in a Virtual Machine (VM), as S.M.A.R.T services monitor actual physical devices, which are abstracted in a VM. After the installation of TrueNAS completes on the VM, go to System Settings > Services > and click the blue toggle button on the S.M.A.R.T. service to stop the service from running. Clear the Start Automatically checkbox so the service does not automatically start when the system reboots.
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S.M.A.R.T. Service Screen

The Services > S.M.A.R.T. screen displays settings to configure when S.M.A.R.T. tests run and when to trigger alert warnings and send emails. Name Description Check Interval Enter the time in minutes for smartd to wake up and check if any tests are configured to run. Power Mode Select the power mode from the dropdown list. Options are Never, Sleep, Standby or Idle. S.M.A.R.T. only tests when the Power Mode is Never.
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System Settings > Services displays each system component that runs continuously in the background. These typically control data-sharing or other external access to the system. Individual services have configuration screens and activation toggles, and you can set them to run automatically. Documented services related to data sharing or automated tasks are in their respective Shares and Tasks articles. Contents FTP: Provides instructions on configuring the FTP service including storage, user, and access permissions.
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System Settings > Services displays each system component that runs continuously in the background. These typically control data-sharing or other external access to the system. Individual services have configuration screens and activation toggles, and you can set them to run automatically. Figure 1: SCALE Services Screen The edit Configure icon opens the service configuration screen. The NFS service row has one additional NFS Sessions icon that opens the NFS Sessions screen.
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The Services > SMB screen displays after going to the Shares screen, finding the Windows (SMB) Shares section, and clicking more_vert + Config Service. Alternatively, you can go to System Settings > Services and click the edit edit icon for the SMB service. Configuring SMB Service The SMB Services screen displays setting options to configure TrueNAS SMB settings to fit your use case. In most cases, you can set the required fields and accept the rest of the setting defaults.
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