Managing Scrub Tasks

When TrueNAS performs a scrub, ZFS scans the data on a pool. Scrubs identify data integrity problems, detect silent data corruptions caused by transient hardware issues, and provide early disk failure alerts. Default Scrub Tasks TrueNAS generates a default scrub task when you create a new pool and sets it to run every Sunday at 12:00 AM. Adjusting Scrub/Resilver Priority Resilvering is a process that copies data to a replacement disk.
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Scrub Tasks Screens

The Data Protection screen Scrub Task widget displays a list of scrub tasks configured on the system. Scrubs identify data integrity problems, detect silent data corruptions caused by transient hardware issues, and provide early disk failure alerts. TrueNAS generates a default scrub task when you create a new pool and sets it to run every Sunday at 12:00 AM. Add opens the Add Scrub Task screen. Each task is a link that opens the Edit Scrub Task Screen.
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The Storage Dashboard screen allows users to configure and manage storage resources such as pools (VDEVs), and disks, and keep the pool healthy (scrub). The dashboard widgets organize functions related to storage resources. No Pools Screen The No Pools screen displays before you add the first pool. Figure 1: Storage Dashboard without Pools The Create Pool button in the center of the screen opens the Pool Creation Wizard screen. Storage Dashboard The buttons at the top right of the Storage Dashboard screen provide access to pool and disk functions:
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The SCALE CLI guide is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new! Scrub Namespace The scrub namespace has 7 commands, and is based on data integrity check (scrub) functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to scrub task management methods through the scrub namespace commands. Scrub Commands The following scrub namespace commands allow you to manage scheduled scrub task configuration and to start, pause, or stop a scrub.
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Creating Scrub Tasks

A “scrub” is when ZFS scans the data on a pool. Scrubs identify data integrity problems, detect silent data corruptions caused by transient hardware issues, and provide early disk failure alerts. Edit Default Scrub Tasks By default, TrueNAS creates a scrub task when you create a new pool. The default schedule for a scrub is to run every Sunday at 12:00 AM. To edit the default scrub, go to Tasks > Scrub Tasks, click , and EDIT.
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Scrub Tasks

Scrub Task Name Description Pool Choose a pool to scrub. Threshold days Controls the task schedule by setting how many days must pass before a completed scrub can run again. If you schedule a scrub to run daily and set Threshold days to 7, the scrub attempts to run daily. If the scrub succeeds, it will check but won’t run again until seven days pass. Using a multiple of seven ensures the scrub runs on the same weekday.
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