
The Groups screen lets you create and manage UNIX-style groups. Groups List Name Description Filter Groups Filters groups by keyword. COLUMNS Lets users display/hide list columns. ADD Opens the Group Configuration form Displays/hides built-in groups Group Group name. GID Group ID number. Builtin Whether or not the group is built-in. Permit Sudo Whether or not the group has Permit Sudo enabled. Samba Authentication Whether or not the group has Samba Authentication enabled.
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The TrueNAS CLI guide for SCALE is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new! The group namespace contains eight commands and is based on functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to group account creation, configuration, and management functions. Group Commands The following group namespace commands allow you to manage group settings.
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Setting Up Users and Groups

Creating users and assigning them to groups allows you to efficiently tune permissions and share data for large numbers of users. Only the root user account can log in to the TrueNAS web interface. When the network uses a directory service, import the existing account information using the instructions in Directory Services. Using Active Directory requires setting Windows user passwords inside Windows. To see user accounts, go to Accounts > Users.
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Local Groups Screens

Groups Screen The Credentials > Local Groups screen displays a list of groups configured on the screen. By default, built-in groups are hidden until you make them visible. Figure 1: Local Groups Screen To see built-in groups, click the Show Built-In Groups toggle. The toggle turns blue and all built-in groups display. Click the Show Built-In Groups toggle again to show only non-built-in groups on the system. The Credentials > Local Groups screen displays the No groups screen if no groups other than built-in groups are configured on the system.
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Managing Local Groups

TrueNAS offers groups as an efficient way to manage permissions for many similar user accounts. See Users for managing users. The interface lets you manage UNIX-style groups. If the network uses a directory service, import the existing account information using the instructions in Active Directory. View Existing Groups To see saved groups, go to Credentials > Local Groups. Figure 1: Local Groups Screen By default, TrueNAS hides the system built-in groups.
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