TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS Nightly Development Documentation
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The Virtual Machines screen allows users to add, edit, or manage virtual machines (VMs) and VM devices. The No Virtual Machines screen displays if there are no VMs configured on the system or if you delete all VMs on the system.

No Virtual Machines
Figure 1: No Virtual Machines

Add Virtual Machines and Add at the top right of the screen opens the Create Virtual Machine wizard.

The screen displays a list of VMs configured on the TrueNAS SCALE system. The State toggle displays and changes the state of the VM. Autostart, when selected, automatically starts the VM if the system reboots, otherwise you must manually start the VM.

Virtual Machine Screen
Figure 2: Virtual Machine Screen

Click on a VM to expand it and open the details screen with details on that VM and options for a VM. Click Start to start the VM and show additional options.

Create Virtual Machine Wizard Screens

The Create Virtual Machine configuration wizard displays all settings to set up a new virtual machine.

Use Next and Back to advance to the next or return to the previous screen to change a setting. Use Save to close the wizard screens and add the new VM to the Virtual Machines screen.

Operating System Screen

The Operating System settings specify the VM operating system type, the time the VM system clock uses, the boot method, and display type.

Operating System
Figure 3: Operating System
Operating System Settings
Guest Operating SystemRequired. Select the VM operating system type from the dropdown list. Options are Windows which adds the Enable Hyper-V Enlightenments option. Linux, and FreeBSD.
Enable Hyper-V EnlightenmentsOnly displays when Guest Operating System is set to Windows. This emulates a Hyper-V-compatible hypervisor for the Windows guest operating system and makes some Hyper-V-specific features available.
NameRequired. Enter an alphanumeric name for the virtual machine.
Description(Optional) Enter a description of your choosing. For example, the type of OS for the VM or the VM use.
System ClockSelect the method to use to set the system the VM from the dropdown list. Options are Local which uses the TrueNAS SCALE system clock setting, or UTC to use the Coordinated Universal Time clock. The default is Local.
Boot MethodSelect the boot method option from the dropdown list. Options are UEFI for newer operating systems or Legacy BIOS for older operating systems that only support BIOS booting.
Shutdown TimeoutEnter the time in seconds the system waits for the VM to cleanly shut down. During system shutdown, the system initiates power-off for the VM after the shutdown timeout entered expires.
Start on BootSelect to start the VM when the system boots. Selected by default.
Enable DisplayEnables a display (Virtual Network Computing) remote connection. Requires UEFI booting. Selected by default.
BindDisplays when Enable Display is selected. Select an IP address to use for remote VNC sessions. Note that this setting only applies if you are using a VNC client other than the TrueNAS WebUI.
PasswordDisplays when Enable Display is selected. Enter a password for the VNC display to use to securely access the VM.

CPU and Memory Screen

The CPU and Memory settings specify the CPU mode, model, and memory size. They also let you specify the number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the virtual machine, the number of cores per virtual CPU socket, and the number of threads per core.

CPU and Memory
Figure 4: CPU and Memory

CPU and Memory Settings
Virtual CPUs(Required) Enter the number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the virtual machine. The maximum is 16, or fewer if the host CPU limits the maximum. The VM operating system might impose operational or licensing restrictions on the number of CPUs. Default setting changes with the option selected in Guest OS, for Windows it is 2, for Unix-type it is 1.
Cores(Required) Enter the number of cores per virtual CPU socket. The product of vCPUs, cores, and threads must not exceed 16.
Threads(Required) Enter the number of threads per core. A single CPU core can have up to two threads per core. A dual-core could have up to four threads. The product of vCPUs, cores, and threads must not exceed 16.
Optional: CPU Set (Examples: 0-3,8-11)Specify the logical cores that the VM can use. Better cache locality can be achieved by setting the CPU set based on CPU topology. E.g. to assign cores: 0,1,2,5,9,10,11 you can write: 1-2,5,9-11
Pin vcpusWhen the number of vCPUs equals the number of CPUs in CPU Set, vCPUs can be automatically pinned into CPU Set. Pinning is done by mapping each vCPU into a single CPU number following the order in CPU Set. This improves CPU cache locality and can reduce possible stutter in GPU passthrough VMs.
CPU ModeSelect the CPU mode attribute from the dropdown list to allow your guest VM CPU to be as close to the host CPU as possible. Select Custom to make it so a persistent guest virtual machine sees the same hardware no matter what physical machine the guest VM boots on. It is the default if the CPU mode attribute is not specified. This mode describes the CPU presented to the guest. Select Host Model to use this shortcut to copy the physical host machine CPU definition from the capabilities XML into the domain XML. As the CPU definition copies just before starting a domain, a different physical host machine can use the same XML while still providing the best guest VM CPU each physical host machine supports. Select Host Passthrough when the CPU visible to the guest VM is the same as the physical host machine CPU, including elements that cause errors within libvirt. The downside of this is you cannot reproduce the guest VM environment on different hardware.
CPU ModelSelect a CPU model to emulate.
Memory SizeAllocate RAM for the VM. The minimum value is 256 MiB. This field accepts human-readable input (Ex. 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes.
Minimum Memory Size(Optional) When not specified, the guest system is given a fixed amount of memory specified in Memory Size. When minimum memory is specified, the guest system is given memory within a range between minimum and fixed as needed. Enter a value smaller than the Memory Size to enable a variable RAM amount as needed within a range between this value and the one entered in Memory Size.
Optional: NUMA nodeset (Example: 0-1)Node set allows setting NUMA nodes for multi NUMA processors when CPU set was defined. To achieve better memory locality, setting nodeset based on assigned cpuset. For example, if CPUs 0,1 belong to NUMA node 0, then setting nodeset to 0 improves memory locality.

Disks Screen

The Disks settings allow specifying how virtual disks are added. Options are to create a new zvol on an existing dataset for a disk image or use an existing zvol or file for the VM. You also specify the disk type, zvol location, and size.

Figure 5: Disks
Disks Settings
Create new disk imageSelect to create a new zvol on an existing dataset to use as a virtual hard drive for the VM.
Use existing disk imageSelect to use an existing zvol or file for the VM. Displays the Select Disk Type and Select Existing Zvol dropdown list fields.
Select Disk TypeDisplays after selecting Use existing disk image. Select the desired disk type. Options are AHCI or VirtIO. Select AHCI for Windows VMs. VirtIO requires a guest OS that supports VirtIO paravirtualized network drivers.
Select Existing Zvol(Required) Displays after selecting Use existing disk image. Select an existing zvol from the dropdown list.
Zvol Location(Required) Displays after selecting Use existing disk image. Select a dataset for the new zvol from the dropdown list of datasets on the system.
Size(Required) Displays after selecting Use existing disk image. Allocate space for the new zvol. (Examples: 500 KiB, 500M, 2 TB). Units smaller than MiB are not allowed.

Network Interface Screen

The Network Interface settings specify the network adapter type, mac address, and physical network interface card associated with the VM.

Network Interface
Figure 6: Network Interface
Network Interface Settings
Adapter TypeSelect the adapter type from the dropdown list. Options are:
  • Intel e82545 (e1000) emulates the same Intel Ethernet card and provides compatibility with most operating systems.
  • VirtIO provides better performance when the operating system installed in the VM supports VirtIO para-virtualized network drivers.
  • Mac AddressEnter the desired address into the field to override the randomized MAC address.
    Attach NICSelect the physical interface to associate with the VM from the dropdown list.
    Trust Guest FiltersSelect to enable and allow the virtual server to change its MAC address. As a consequence, the virtual server can join multicast groups. The ability to join multicast groups is a prerequisite for the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP).
    Setting Trust Guest Filters to yes has security risks because it allows the virtual server to change its MAC address and so receive all frames delivered to this address. Disabled by default.

    Installation Media Screen

    The Installation Media settings specify the operation system installation media image on a dataset or upload one from the local machine.

    Installation Media
    Figure 7: Installation Media
    Installation Media Settings
    Choose Installation Media ImageEnter the path or browse to the operating system installer image file. To collapse the browse tree click on the to the left of /mnt.
    Upload New Image FileSelect to open the Upload Image File dialog.
    ISO save locationEnter the path or browse to the location where you want to install the image file.
    Choose FileClick to save the path populated in the ISO save location field.
    UploadClick to upload the file selected in the ISO save location field.

    GPU Screen

    The GPU settings specify the graphic processing unit (GPU) for the VM. It also provides the option to hide the VM from the Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR) on Windows systems.

    Figure 9: GPU

    GPU Settings
    Hide from MSRSelect to enable the VM to hide the GPU from the Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR).
    Ensure Display DeviceSelect to ensure that the guest always has access to a video device. Required for headless installations like Ubuntu server for the guest to operate properly. Leave the checkbox clear for cases where you want to use a graphic processing unit (GPU) passthrough without adding a display device.
    GPUsSelect a physical GPU on your system from the dropdown list to use for the VM.

    Confirm Options Screen

    The Confirm Options screen displays a summary of settings for the VM. It shows the number of CPUs, cores, threads, memory, name of the VM, and the disk size.

    Click Save to add the VM to the Virtual Machines screen. Click Back to return to the previous screens to make changes.

    Virtual Machine Details Screen

    Expand any VM on the Virtual Machines screen to show the details and options for a VM. Details include the basic information on the number of virtual CPUs, cores, and threads, the amount of memory, boot load and system clock types, the display port number, and the shutdown timeout in seconds.

    VM Details
    Figure 10: VM Details

    Starting the VM shows additional options for the VM.

    VM Options
    StartStarts a VM. The toggle turns blue when the VM switches to running. Toggles to Stop. Clicking Start shows the Restart,Power Off, Display, and Serial Shell buttons.
    RestartreplayRestarts the VM.
    Power Offpower_settings_newPowers off and halts the VM, similar to turning off a computer power switch.
    StopStops a running VM. Because a virtual machine does not always respond well to STOP or the command might time out if the VM does not have an OS. Use Power Off instead.
    Editmode_editOpens the Edit Virtual Machine that displays editable VM settings. You cannot edit a VM while it is running. Stop the VM and then you can edit the properties and settings.
    DeleteDeletes a VM. Opens a delete dialog that allows you to remove the VM from your system. You cannot delete a virtual machine that is running. You must first stop the VM and then you can delete it.
    DevicesOpens the Virtual Machine Devices screen for the selected VM. Shows a list of configured devices for the VM. By default, all VMs show the Disks, NIC, and Display devices.
    CloneMakes an exact copy or clone of the VM. Opens the Clone dialog that allows you to clone the selected VM. Enter a name for the cloned VM. Naming the clone VM is optional. The cloned VM displays on the Virtual Machines list with the extension _clone0. If you clone the same VM again the extension for the second clone is clone1.
    DisplayOpens the SPICE login screen in a browser window and allows you to connect to the remote desktop.
    Serial ShellOpens the TrueNAS VM Serial Shell screen.
    Download Logscontent_pasteDownloads a .log file to the system.

    Delete Virtual Machine Dialog

    Delete removes the VM configuration from your system.

    Delete Virtual Machine
    Figure 11: Delete Virtual Machine
    Delete Settings
    Delete Virtual Machine DataSelect to remove the data associated with this virtual machine. Deleting a VM results in data loss if the data is not backed up. Leave unselected to keep the VM data intact.
    Force DeleteSelect to ignore the virtual machine status during the delete operation. Leave unselected to prevent deleting the VM when it is still active or has an undefined state.
    Enter vmname below to confirmEnter the name of the VM to confirm you want to delete the selected VM.

    Clone Virtual Machine Window

    The Clone dialog allows you to create an exact duplicate of the VM using the name entered.

    Clone Virtual Machine
    Figure 12: Clone Virtual Machine

    Naming the clone VM is optional. The cloned VM displays on the Virtual Machines list with the extension _clone0. If you clone the same VM again the extension for the second clone is clone1.

    VM Serial Shell Screen

    Click Serial Shell to open the VM Serial Shell screen where you can enter commands for the selected virtual machine.

    Serial Shell
    Figure 13: Serial Shell

    Click Virtual Machines in the header to return to the Virtual Machine screen.

    Edit Virtual Machine Screen

    The Edit VM screen settings are a subset of those found on the Create Virtual Machine screens. It only includes the general settings found on the wizard Operating System screen, CPU and Memory, and GPUs screen settings. To edit disks, network, or display settings, click Devices on the expanded view of the VM to open the Devices screen.

    Edit General Settings

    The Edit screen General Settings specify the basic settings for the VM. Unlike the Create Virtual Machine wizard, you cannot change the Enable or Start on Boot status or change the display type or bind address for a saved VM from this screen.

    Edit General Settings
    Figure 14: Edit General Settings
    General Settings
    NameRequired. Enter an alphanumeric name for the virtual machine.
    DescriptionEnter a description (optional).
    System ClockSelect the VM system time from the dropdown list. Options are Local or UTC. The default is Local.
    Boot MethodSelect the boot method option from the dropdown list. Select UEFI for newer operating systems or Legacy BIOS for older operating systems that only support BIOS booting.
    Shutdown TimeoutEnter the time in seconds the system waits for the VM to cleanly shut down. During system shutdown, the system initiates power-off for the VM after the shutdown timeout entered expires.
    Start on BootSelect to start this VM when the system boots.
    Enable Hyper-V EnlightenmentsShows for VMs set for Windows OS. KVM implements Hyper-V Enlightenments for Windows guests. These features make Windows think they are running on top of a Hyper-V-compatible hypervisor and use Hyper-V-specific features. In some cases enabling these enlightenments might improve the usability and performance on the guest.
    To edit display type or bind address after VM creation (click to expand) Go to Virtualization > Virtual Machines and locate the VM you want to modify. Click anywhere on the VM entry on the Virtual Machines widget to expand it. Click Devices to open the devices screen associated with the VM. From this screen, click the more_vert icon at the right of the display device and select Edit to open the Edit Display Device screen. Use the Bind dropdown to select a new IP address.

    Edit CPU and Memory Settings

    The CPU and Memory settings on the Edit VM screen are the same as those in the Create Virtual Machine wizard.

    Edit CPU and Memory
    Figure 15: Edit CPU and Memory

    CPU and Memory Settings
    Virtual CPUs(Required) Enter the number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the virtual machine. The maximum is 16, or fewer if the host CPU limits the maximum. The VM operating system might impose operational or licensing restrictions on the number of CPUs. Default setting changes with the option selected in Guest OS, for Windows it is 2, for Unix-type it is 1.
    Cores(Required) Enter the number of cores per virtual CPU socket. The product of vCPUs, cores, and threads must not exceed 16.
    Threads(Required) Enter the number of threads per core. A single CPU core can have up to two threads per core. A dual-core could have up to four threads. The product of vCPUs, cores, and threads must not exceed 16.
    Optional: CPU Set (Examples: 0-3,8-11)Specify the logical cores that the VM can use. Better cache locality can be achieved by setting the CPU set based on CPU topology. E.g. to assign cores: 0,1,2,5,9,10,11 you can write: 1-2,5,9-11
    Pin vcpusWhen the number of vCPUs equals the number of CPUs in CPU Set, vCPUs can be automatically pinned into CPU Set. Pinning is done by mapping each vCPU into a single CPU number following the order in CPU Set. This improves CPU cache locality and can reduce possible stutter in GPU passthrough VMs.
    CPU ModeSelect the CPU mode attribute from the dropdown list to allow your guest VM CPU to be as close to the host CPU as possible. Select Custom to make it so a persistent guest virtual machine sees the same hardware no matter what physical machine the guest VM boots on. It is the default if the CPU mode attribute is not specified. This mode describes the CPU presented to the guest. Select Host Model to use this shortcut to copy the physical host machine CPU definition from the capabilities XML into the domain XML. As the CPU definition copies just before starting a domain, a different physical host machine can use the same XML while still providing the best guest VM CPU each physical host machine supports. Select Host Passthrough when the CPU visible to the guest VM is the same as the physical host machine CPU, including elements that cause errors within libvirt. The downside of this is you cannot reproduce the guest VM environment on different hardware.
    CPU ModelSelect a CPU model to emulate.
    Memory SizeAllocate RAM for the VM. The minimum value is 256 MiB. This field accepts human-readable input (Ex. 50 GiB, 500M, 2 TB). If units are not specified, the value defaults to bytes.
    Minimum Memory Size(Optional) When not specified, the guest system is given a fixed amount of memory specified in Memory Size. When minimum memory is specified, the guest system is given memory within a range between minimum and fixed as needed. Enter a value smaller than the Memory Size to enable a variable RAM amount as needed within a range between this value and the one entered in Memory Size.
    Optional: NUMA nodeset (Example: 0-1)Node set allows setting NUMA nodes for multi NUMA processors when CPU set was defined. To achieve better memory locality, setting nodeset based on assigned cpuset. For example, if CPUs 0,1 belong to NUMA node 0, then setting nodeset to 0 improves memory locality.

    Edit GPU Settings

    The GPU settings on the Edit screen are the same as those in the Create Virtual Machine wizard.

    Edit GPU
    Figure 16: Edit GPU

    GPU Settings
    Hide from MSRSelect to enable the VM to hide the GPU from the Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR).
    Ensure Display DeviceSelect to ensure that the guest always has access to a video device. Required for headless installations like Ubuntu server for the guest to operate properly. Leave the checkbox clear for cases where you want to use a graphic processing unit (GPU) passthrough without adding a display device.
    GPUsSelect a physical GPU on your system from the dropdown list to use for the VM.

    Devices Screens

    The Devices screen displays a list of VM devices configured on your system. By default, every VM displays three devices: Disks, NIC, and Display.

    VM Devices Screen
    Figure 17: VM Devices Screen

    Add opens the Add Device screen. Settings change based on the various device types.

    Device Actions

    Each device listed on the Devices screen has the same three options, accessed by clicking the more_vert at the right of the device row:

    • Edit opens the Edit type Device screen where type is the device type selected. Settings vary based on the type of device selected in Device Type. See Add Device screen. Device Type only displays on the Add Device screens.

    • Delete opens a dialog. Delete Device confirms you want to delete the device.

    • Details opens an information dialog that lists the port, type, bind IP, and other details about the device. Click Close to close the dialog.

    Devices Add Screens

    The Add Device screen displays different settings based on the Device Type selected.

    Add CD-ROM Device Type Settings

    Select CD-ROM in Device Type to see the CD-ROM settings.

    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list. CD-ROM is the default setting.
    CD-ROM PathUse the to the left of /mnt to browse to the location of the CD-ROM file on the system.
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls.
    Add NIC Device Type Settings

    Select NIC in Device Type to see the VM network interface card settings.

    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list.
    Adapter TypeRequired. Select the emulator type from the dropdown list. Emulating an Intel e82545 (e1000) Ethernet card provides compatibility with most operating systems. Change to VirtIO to provide better performance on systems with VirtIO paravirtualized network driver support.
    MAC AddressDisplays the default auto-generated random MAC address the VM receives. Enter a custom address to override the default.
    GenerateClick to add a new randomized address in MAC Address.
    NIC To attachSelect a physical interface from the dropdown list to associate with the VM.
    Trust Guest FiltersDefault setting is not enabled. Set this attribute to allow the virtual server to change its MAC address. As a consequence, the virtual server can join multicast groups. The ability to join multicast groups is a prerequisite for the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP).
    Setting Trust Guest Filters to “yes” has security risks because it allows the virtual server to change its MAC address and receive all frames delivered to this address.
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls.
    Add Disk Device Type Settings

    Select Disk in Device Type in the Add device screen to see the disk settings including disk location, drive type, and disk sector size.

    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list.
    ZvolSelect the zvol path from the dropdown list.
    ModeSelect the drive type from the dropdown list. Options are AHCI or VirtIO.
    Disk sector sizeSelect the disk sector size from the dropdown list or leave set as Default. Options are Default, 512 or 4096.
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls.
    Add Display Device Type Settings

    Remote clients can connect to VM display sessions using a SPICE client, or by installing a 3rd party remote desktop server inside your VM. SPICE clients are available from the SPICE Protocol site.

    Select Display in Device Type in the Add device screen to see the display device settings.

    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list. Display is the default setting.
    PortEnter the port number. You can assign 0, leave it empty for TrueNAS to assign a port when the VM is started, or set it to a fixed preferred port number.
    ResolutionSelect a screen resolution to use for VM display sessions.
    BindSelect an IP address to use for display sessions or use the default
    PasswordEnter a password of no more than eight characters in length to automatically pass to the remote display session.
    Web InterfaceSelect to enable connecting to the SPICE web interface.
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls. If you want the CD-ROM to be the first device checked assign it a lower number.
    Add Raw File Device Type Settings

    Select Raw File in Device Type in the Add device screen to see the raw file settings that include location, size of the file, disk sector size, and type.

    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list.
    Raw FileEnter or use the to the left of /mnt to browse to the location of the file on the system.
    Disk sector sizeSelect the disk sector size from the dropdown list or leave set as Default. Options are Default, 512 or 4096.
    ModeSelect the drive type from the dropdown list. Options are AHCI or VirtIO.
    Raw filesizeEnter the size of the file in GiB.
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls.
    Add PCI Passthrough Device Type Settings

    Select PCI Passthrough Device in Device Type in the Add device screen to see the PCI passthrough device settings.

    Depending upon the type of device installed in your system, you might see a warning: PCI device does not have a reset mechanism defined. You might experience inconsistent or degraded behavior when starting or stopping the VM. Determine if you want to proceed with this action in such an instance.
    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list.
    PCI Passthrough DeviceEnter or select the device from the dropdown list of options. Enter as (bus#/slot#/fcn#).
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls.
    Add USB Passthrough Device Type Settings

    Select USB Passthrough Device in Device Type in the Add device screen to see the USB passthrough device settings.

    TypeSelect the device type from the dropdown list.
    Controller TypeRequired. Choose from piix3-uhci, piix4-uhci, ehci, ich9-ehci1, vt82c686b-uhci, pci-ohci, nec-xhci, qemu-xhci.
    DeviceEnter or select the device from the dropdown list of options. If Specify custom is chosen, enter the required Vendor ID and Product ID.
    Device OrderEnter the number (such as 1003) that represents where in the boot order this device should be. The higher the number, the later in the boot-up process the device falls.