TrueNASTrueNAS Nightly Development Documentation
This content follows experimental nightly development software. Pre-release software is intended for testing purposes only.
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The Dashboard is the first screen you see after logging into the web interface after installing TrueNAS. It displays a set of default widgets with system, help, storage, and network information, but you can customize the display to suit your needs and preferences. Dashboard on the left side navigation panel returns to the main dashboard from any other screen in the UI.

TrueNAS Main Dashboard
Figure 1: TrueNAS Main Dashboard

The Configure button at the top right of the Dashboard changes the screen to configuration mode and allows you to turn widget displays on or off.

Dashboard Widgets

The Dashboard widgets show information about the TrueNAS system basic settings, CPU and memory usage, network traffic and link status, storage, and backup tasks. Dashboard widgets are customizable. Options include changing which widgets layouts and the location on the screen, and adding custom or application widgets.

Pool and network interface widgets vary based on storage and network configurations on the system.

Click on the Reports icon to display the data report screen that corresponds to the widget category. For example, clicking the assessment icon on the CPU widget opens the Reporting > CPU screen.

System Information Widget

The System Information widget shows general information about the TrueNAS system. The Updates Available button opens the System > Update screen.

If installed on a customer-provided server, the widget shows a generic TrueNAS image.

If installed on iXsystems-provided hardware, the widget shows a picture of the system. Click on the image to display the View Enclosure screen.

PlatformShows as Generic for customer-provided server and hardware and displays the TrueNAS logo to the left of the System Information fields. The TrueNAS model number for the iXsystems-provided server and hardware and a picture of the server shows in the area to the left of the fields.
VersionShows the currently-installed software release of TrueNAS. Use the clipboard assignment icon to display the full name of the release installed and to copy the version to the clipboard.
HostnameShows the host name for the TrueNAS system. Configure the host name on the Network > Global Configuration screen.
UptimeShows the number of consecutive days, and hours and minutes the system of runtime since the last restart.
Updates Available
Check for Updates
Opens the System Update screen, or go to System > Update on the left-side main menu panel to open the System Update screen. Updates Available shows when systems updates are available for the current system release train.
HA System Information Widgets
TrueNAS Enterprise

The two HA Active and Standby controller System Information widgets show only for systems licensed for HA.

Each HA active or standby System Information widget shows the same information found on the non-HA System Information widget but also shows the system serial number, and system license number and type. The standby controller widget shows the Initiate Failover button. The active controller widget shows the Check for Updates button.

CPU Widget

The CPU widgets show the CPU model, dynamic gauges and graphs with CPU usage and CPU recent usage, and CPU usage and temperature per system cores updated in realtime.

The widget shows gauges and graphs showing CPU statistics:

  • CPU Model widget shows the CPU model.
  • CPU Usage gauge that shows the average percentage of usage for the CPU cores.
  • CPU Recent Usage gauge that shows recent CPU usage updated in realtime, and includes the CPU model number, number of cores and physical cores.
  • CPU Usage per Core bar graph that shows CPU usage per core.
  • CPU Temperature per Core bar graph that shows CPU Usage in blue and Temperature in orange.
Memory Widget

The Memory widget shows current system memory consumption information.

The widget includes a gauge showing GiB Free in blue, ZFS Cache in fuchsia pink, and Services in orange.

You can configure the memory widget as a one large (100%) or one long (50%) plus two quarter size (25%) widget layouts.

Network and Interface Widgets

The Network widget shows two widgets, one with a dynamic bar graph showing the time of recorded traffic and the incoming (blue) and outgoing (orange) traffic in kbs, and shows the status the configured primary system interface(s), link status, network I/O traffic, and media type and subtype if known, and the other shows the primary interface IP address.

For systems with multiple interfaces, switch the widget to the Interface widget and set each to the interfaces on your system. An Interface widget shows traffic, link status, interface media type and subtype, and any VLANS and the IP Address and port number.

Storage and Pool Widgets

The Storage widget shows information on the primary (root) pool status, path, and number of VDEVs configured in that pool. It also shows the percentage of used and free space, and any caches. It reports the number disks with errors, the total number of disks in the pool, and if a spare exists.

The Storage widget includes the Create Pool widget that when clicked, opens the Pool Creation Wizard screen. You can configure individual pool widgets that show the same information as the root pool in the Storage widget.

Backup Tasks Widget

The Backup Task widget shows links to quickly set up an automated data backup schedule if a backup task does not exist. Click to open the Data Protection screen with all options for checking or backing up stored data.

When a backup task exists, the widget shows details about the various backup tasks configured on the system.

The widget shows the number of tasks for each type of backup, direction for data (sent or received), the number of times tasks failed and succeeded, and weekly success counters.

Help Widget

The TrueNAS Help widget shows links to various TrueNAS websites.

Links included are:

Click on each link to open it in a new browser tab.

Dashboard in Configuration Mode

In configuration mode, dashboard widgets are enclosed in dotted-line boxes to show the grouping area for each widget.

Add opens a blank Widget Editor screen.

Save saves all changes made to the dashboard.

Cancel closes configuration mode without saving any changes. Changes made and saved on the Widget Editor screen are discarded if you click Cancel.

Dashboard Configuration Mode
Figure 15: Dashboard Configuration Mode

Add opens a blank Widget Editor.

Save saves any changes and exits configuration mode. Cancel exists configuration mode without saving changes.

Pressing Esc (escape) also exits configuration mode and discards any changes made to widget group area configurations or placements.

Widget Group Areas

Widget groups (areas) can use one of five layouts that consist of other widgets of different sizes and configurations. Layouts options show on the Widget Editor screen.

Each grouping area shows three function icons:

  • Drag handle that allows you to grab and move the widget to a new location on the screen. Dragging a widget to a new location shifts the other widgets one position to the left or right depending on where the dragged widget is placed.

  • Edit opens the Widget Editor populated with the settings for the existing widget.

  • Delete removes the widget from the Dashboard.

Pressing Tab allows selecting the next button or function icon on the screen and across all widget groups.

Widget Editor

Access to the Widget Editor screen is available when the Dashboard screen is in configuration mode. The edit icon for any widget group opens the Widget Editor populated with the current settings for that widget group. Add opens the Widget Editor with no settings.

Widget Editor for New Widget
Figure 16: Widget Editor for New Widget
Widget Editor for Existing Widget
Figure 17: Widget Editor for Existing Widget

Select an individual widget in a layout with multiple widgets to change the category and type and customize the display of the widget group.

Widget Editor Settings

LayoutsClick on the layout image to add one to four widgets in the group. Not all widget categories support all layouts.
Widget CategorySelect the information category from the dropdown list of options:
  • Empty - Default selection for a new widget. Use to fill a grouping of multiple widgets where only two are defined and the others are not.
  • Storage - Use to set up a storage or single pool widget.
  • Network - Use to set up a network widget.
  • Help - Use to include the widget with links to TrueNAS resources.
  • Memory - Use to set up a memory-usage widget.
  • Backup Tasks - Use to set up a widget showing either configured data protection tasks or links to locations to configure tasks.
  • CPU - Use to set up a CPU usage widget.
  • System Information - Use to add one of four system information widget types.
  • Custom - Use to set up a text-only widget with whatever text-based information you want to include on the Dashboard.
  • The Widget Type field shows after selecting the category.
    Widget TypeSelect the type of information to show in the selected widget. Options change based on the selected Widget Category. See Widget Type Options by Category for information on the options by the category and type selected.

    Widget Type Options by Category

    Widget Type Options for Network

    There are four types available when Widget Category is set to Network. Selecting Network, IPv4 Address or IPv6 Address as the type adds the Interfaces field to the screen.

    Interface shows the interface ID, link state, I/O traffic, Media type and subtype, and IP address assigned to the interface, and the dynamic bar graph for the I/O traffic. Can use a full or half size widget.

    IPv4 Address and IPv6 Address can use a full, half, or quarter size widget. Shows the IP address for the selected interface.

    Select the interface to show in the widget from the Interface dropdown field.

    Widget Type Options for Storage

    There are three widget categories available when Widget Category is set to Storage: Storage, Pool, and Pool Usage. The layout for the widget must be full size.

    Selecting any of the Storage categories adds the Pool field to the screen.

    Selecting Pool as the category shows three options, Pool Usage, Disks w/ZFS Errors, and Last Scan Errors. Each of these three categories can be assigned to a quarter-size widget.

    Widget Type Options for Help

    Only Help is the available widget type when Widget Category is set to Help.

    The Help widget can use a full, half, or quarter size widget, but using the half or quarter size adds scrollbars to the widget to provide access to the full content in this widget category. For best viewing and access to the content we recommend using the full size for the Help widget.

    Widget Type Options for Memory

    Only Memory is the available widget type when Widget Category is set to Memory.

    The Memory widget can use a full, half, or quarter size widget, and can be included in a widget group with other widget categories and types.

    Widget Type Options for Backup Tasks

    Only Backup Tasks is the available widget type when Widget Category is set to Backup Tasks.

    The Backup Task widget can only use a full size widget.

    Widget Type Options for CPU

    Only CPU is the available widget type when Widget Category is set to CPU. It has a total of six widgets shown in two widgets on the Dashboard.

    The CPU widgets can use a full, half, or quarter size widgets. CPU Widget Type options are CPU Model, CPU Recent Usage, CPU usage. Select the two half-size layout to activate the option to add CPU Temperature Per Core and CPU Usage Per Core.

    Widget Type Options for System Information

    The System Information widget has six Widget Type options, Hostname-Active, OS Version, Serial-Active, and System Image, System Information-Active**, and System Uptime. HA systems, with two controllers and the HA license, show the Hostname-Standby, Serial-Standby, and System Information-Standby widget types.

    TrueNAS Enterprise

    Dashboard in larger systems with hundreds of drives have a slower response when populating the screen widgets in normal and configuration mode. Be patient and wait until your system is fully online before attempting to customize dashboard widgets.

    HA-licensed system dashboards show the active and standby controller widget in a full size widget.

    The System Information widget displays the following Widget Type options: Hostname - Active, Hostname - Passive, OS Version, Serial - Active, Serial - Passive, System Image, System Information - Active, System Information - Standby, and System Uptime.

    OS Version, System Uptime, or System Image can use a full, half, or quarter size widget. These can be included in a widget group with other widget categories and types to create a mixed information widget.

    Widget Type Options for Custom The Custom widget has only the Arbitrary Text for a widget type, but also shows the Widget Title, Widget Text, and Widget Subtext fields. Enter text that does not exceed the maximum character count for the Custom widget, which is 200 upper and lower case alpha-numeric or special characters. Spaces between characters count as characters.