TrueNASTrueNAS Nightly Development Documentation
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Replication Task Screens

The Replication Task widget on the Data Protection screen lists replication tasks configured on the TrueNAS system. Replication tasks work with periodic snapshot tasks to complete the replication. After scheduling a replication task, the Periodic Snapshot Task widget shows a new task for the newly added replication task.

Replication Task Widget
Figure 1: Replication Task Widget

The Replication Tasks widget displays No Replication Tasks configured before you add a task.

Replication Task Widget No Tasks
Figure 2: Replication Task Widget No Tasks

Click Replication Task on the widget heading to open the Replications Tasks screen.

Add on the Replication Task widget opens the Replication Task Wizard.

The edit Edit icon opens the Edit Replication Task screen.

The play_arrow Run Now icon opens a dialog.

The restore Restore icon to opens the Restore Replication Task window.

The Download encryption keys icon downloads any encryption keys associated with the task.

The delete Delete icon opens a delete confirmation dialog.

State displays the status of the replication task as SUCCESS for completed tasks, FAILED if the task fails to complete the sync, and PENDING for tasks that have not run yet. Click on the state oval to open the Logs dialog for that task. Download Logs saves a copy of the current task logs.

Replication Tasks Screen

The Replications Tasks screen lists the replication tasks configured on the system.

Replication Task List
Figure 3: Replication Task List

Columns displays a list of options to customize the list view to add or remove information to the table. Options are Select All, Name, Direction, Transport, SSH Connection, Source Dataset, Target Dataset, Recursive, Auto, Last Run, State, Enabled, Last Snapshot, and Reset to Defaults.

Before adding replication tasks this screen displays No Replication Tasks and the Add Replication Tasks option that opens the Replication Task Wizard.

Replication Task No Tasks
Figure 4: Replication Task No Tasks

Click anywhere on a task row to expand it and show details about that task and the options to run, restore, edit, or delete that task.

Replication Task Details

The details view of each replication task shows the Transport, SSH Connection, Source Dataset, Target Dataset, Recursive, and Auto settings.

Replication Task Details
Figure 5: Replication Task Details

The play_arrow Run Now button opens a Run Now dialog.

The restore Restore button opens the Restore Replication Task window.

The edit Edit button opens the Edit Replication Task screen.

The delete Delete icon opens a delete confirmation dialog.

Run Now Option

The play_arrow Run Now button opens a Run Now dialog.

Replication Task Run Now
Figure 6: Replication Task Run Now

Click CONTINUE to start the replication task.

Restore Option

The restore Restore button opens the Restore Replication Task window.

Restore Replication Task
Figure 7: Restore Replication Task

Enter a new name for the task and select the location to store the data, then click Restore. The system creates the new file and displays the task on both the widget and list screen with the PENDING status.

Download encryption keys Option

When a replication task involves a key-encrypted source or destination, the icon shows in the task options. This downloads any encryption keys to your local system.

Delete Option

The delete Delete icon opens a delete confirmation dialog.

Replication Task Delete
Figure 8: Replication Task Delete

Click Confirm to activate Delete.

Add Replication Task Options

There are two ways to add a replication task, the wizard and the advanced creation screen. These two methods share many settings that are described below. The Edit Replication Task screen shows the same settings. Shared settings are documented in these sections:

Add, or if no replication task exist, Add Replication Tasks opens the wizard.

Replication Task Wizard

The wizard has two screens:

  • What and Where settings specify the task name, data source and destinations, the type of replication (local or remote), transport options (SSH connection), schema or regular expression that names the snapshot created by the task, and if selected, sets up encryption on the data transfer.
  • When settings specify when to run the task and how long to retain the replicated snapshots.

Advanced Replication Creation opens the Add Replication Task screen with the same settings found in the wizard and more advanced settings.

What and Where Wizard Screen

The What and Where screen shows settings for both the source and destination information (path to the dataset), the source and destination transfer direction, encryption settings for the data transfer, remote replication SSH connections, naming schema to apply to the snapshot taken through the replication task, and the name for the task.

The Encryption and SSH Connection options show when the source or destination is set to On a Different System. Encryption applies another layer of protection to the data transfer, it is not the encryption of the data stored or the dataset. You can use an existing SSH connection created using the Credentials > Backup Credentials > SSH Connection screen or create a new connection through the replication task wizard or screens. SeeConfigure SSH for more information on adding a Backup Credential SSH credentials.

Settings showing on the wizard screen change based on the Source Location and Destination Location option selected. On this System (local replication) and On a Different System (remote replication) show settings that apply to or are needed to set up that type of replication.

Browsing to select a path

Click the arrow to the left of the folder icon to expand that folder and show any child datasets and directories. A solid folder icon shows for datasets and an outlined folder for directories. A selected dataset or directory folder and name shows in blue.

Also include snapshots with the name options show different snapshot settings based on the naming option selected.

Replication Task Wizard What and When
Figure 10: Replication Task Wizard What and When

Setting Source Location to On This System and Destination Location to On a Different System and making naming schema choices changes the wizard screen to show all available settings.

Replication Task Wizard What and When All Settings
Figure 11: Replication Task Wizard What and When All Settings
What and Where Settings
Load Previous Replication TaskShows a list of previous replication tasks that, when selected, loads settings from the saved replication task. Select an existing snapshot to populate the Source Location, Destination Locations, Source, and Destination fields. Also populates Task Name with a name that is a combination of the source-destination for the selected task.
Source LocationSelect the storage location of the original replicated snapshots. Options:
  • On this System (local replication) - Allows setting On a Different System to a local or remote destination.
  • On a Different System (remote replication) - When set to On a Different System, the Destination Location automatically changes to On this System and the Destination field displays the path to the snapshot location. For more information on these setting options see Source Location Setting Options.
  • Source(Required) Enter or use arrow_right to the left of the /mnt folder and at each dataset to expand the dataset tree and browse to the dataset location with the snapshots to replicate. Click on the dataset or directory name, folder icon, or checkbox to select the dataset or directory. To enter multiple datasets, enter a comma (,) after each path in the Source field and then select another dataset or directory. Click the arrow_drop_down at the /mnt folder to collapse the dataset tree.
    Destination LocationSelect the storage location for the replicated snapshots. Options are On this System or On a Different System but if Source is set to On a Different System, the Destination Location automatically changes to On this System, and the Destination field displays.
    Destination(Required) Enter or use arrow_right to the left of the /mnt folder and at each dataset to expand the dataset tree and browse to the dataset location with the snapshots to replicate. Click on the dataset or directory name, folder icon, or checkbox to select the dataset or directory. To enter multiple datasets, enter a comma (,) after each path in the Destination field and then select another dataset or directory. Click the arrow_drop_down at the /mnt folder to collapse the dataset tree.
    SSH ConnectionShows a list of existing SSH connections saved on the system and the option to add a new SSH connection. Select an existing SSH connection to a remote system or select Create New to open the New SSH Connection window to configure a new SSH connection to a remote system. Shows the Use Sudo for ZFS Commands dialog to enable sudo for SSH sessions.
    Use Sudo For Zfs CommandsSelect if setting up remote replication tasks when logged in as an admin user.
    RecursiveSelect to also replicate all snapshots contained within the selected source dataset snapshots. Leave clear to only replicate the selected dataset snapshots.
    Replicate Custom SnapshotsShows after setting Source Location to On this System. Select to replicate snapshots that are not created by an automated snapshot task. After selecting, shows the Also include snapshots with the name setting options. This setting requires setting a naming schema for the custom snapshots through one of the two methods: Naming Schema or Snapshot Name Regular Expression.
    Also include snapshots with the nameSelect the option to set the snapshot naming pattern as either a naming schema or regular expression. Options:
  • Naming Schema and Snapshot Name Regular Expression.
  • Naming SchemaShows after selecting Naming Schema under Also include snapshots with the name. Enter the pattern of naming custom snapshots to replicate. Enter the name and strftime(3) %Y, %m, %d, %H, and %M strings that match the snapshots to include in the replication. Naming schema must include %Y, %m, %d, %H and %M. Separate entries by pressing Enter. The number of snapshots matching the patterns displayed on the screen.
    Snapshot Name Regular ExpressionShows after selecting Snapshot Name Regular Expression under Also include snapshots with the name. Enter the regular expression the replicated snapshot(s) should match. This option replicates all snapshots with names matching the specified regular expression. Performance on systems with large numbers of snapshots is lower as this process reads snapshot metadata to determine snapshot creation order. Naming of regular expressions include name followed this pattern, *“auto-[0-9-]+
    SSH Transfer SecurityShows after selecting Replicate Custom Snapshots. Applies data transfer security. Shows two options: Encryption (more secure, but slower) and No Encryption (less secure, but faster). The connection is authenticated with SSH. Encryption is recommended but can be disabled for increased speed on secure networks.
    EncryptionSelect to apply an extra layer of encryption on the data transfer when replicating data. For more information on all options see Encryption below.
    Task NameShows the name the system adds from the source and destination options or enter a different name for this replication configuration to overwrite the automatically populated task name. By default, the system populates Task Name with the source-destination names selected or loaded by selecting a task in Load Previous Replication Tasks. The system prompts you to change the name if a task uses the name. Changing the name can be as simple as adding an iteration number such as 2 or 3 to the default name.

    Encryption Options

    The Encryption option shows additional settings on the Add Replication Task screen and the What and Where wizard screen below the Destination settings.

    Add Replication Task Wizard Hex Encryption
    Figure 12: Add Replication Task Wizard Hex Encryption
    Encryption Settings
    EncryptionSelect to apply an extra layer of encryption when replicating data to a remote server. Shows additional encryption settings Encryption Key Format and Store Encryption key in Sending TrueNAS database options.
    Inherit EncryptionSelect for the target dataset to inherit encryption from its parent dataset.
    Encryption Key FormatSelect the encryption option from the dropdown list. Hex (base 16 numeral) or Passphrase (alphanumeric) style encryption key. Selecting Hex displays the Generate Encryption Key option. Selecting Passphrase displays the Passphrase option.
    Generate Encryption KeyDisplays after selecting Hex in Encryption Key Format. Selected by default. Clearing the checkbox displays the Encryption Key field.
    Encryption KeyDisplays after clearing the Generate Encryption key checkbox. Use to import a custom hex key.
    PassphraseDisplays when Encryption Key Format is set to Passphrase. Enter the alphanumeric passphrase to use as an encryption key.
    Store Encryption key in Sending TrueNAS databaseDisplays after selecting Encryption. Selected by default. Select to store the encryption key in the TrueNAS database. Clearing the checkbox displays the Encryption Key Location in Target System field.
    Encryption Key Location in Target SystemDisplays after clearing the Store Encryption key in sending TrueNAS database checkbox. Enter a temporary location for the encryption key that decrypts replicated data.

    New SSH Connection

    The New SSH Connection window opens after selecting Create New in the SSH Connection field. It allows you to set up a new SSH connection for the remote system.

    New SSH Connection
    Figure 13: New SSH Connection
    New SSH Connection Settings
    Name(Required) Enter a unique name for this SSH connection.
    Setup MethodSelect how to configure the connection from the dropdown list. Options:
  • Manual - Select to configure authentication on the remote system. This option can include copying SSH keys and modifying the root user account on that system.
  • Semi-Automatic - Select when configuring an SSH connection with a remote TrueNAS system. This method uses the URL and login credentials of the remote system to connect with and exchange SSH keys. This option only works when the other system is a TrueNAS system.
  • TrueNAS URL(Required) Ener the host name or IP address of the remote system. A valid URL scheme is required. For example,
    Admin Username(Required) Enter the user name for logging into the remote system via the UI.
    Admin Password(Required) Enter the password for logging into the remote system.
    One-Time Password (if necessary)Enter the one-time password if two-factor authentication is enabled.
    Username(Required) Enter the user name for logging into the remote system via SSH.
    Private Key(Required) Select a saved SSH keypair or Generate New to create a new keypair to use for this connection.
    Connect TimeoutEnter the time (in seconds) before the system stops attempting to establish a connection with the remote system.

    When Wizard Screen

    The When wizard screen sets the schedule for running the task and the retention period for keeping the replicated snapshots. Replication Schedule and Destination Snapshot Lifetime options change the setting displayed on the screen.

    Replication Schedule Options

    The Replication Schedule options set when to run the task based on the schedule defined in Schedule or to run it one time.

    Add Replication Task When Run on Schedule
    Figure 14: Add Replication Task When Run on Schedule
    Replication Schedule Settings
    Run On a ScheduleDisplays the Schedule option where you select a preset time or select Custom to use the advanced scheduler.
    Run OnceRuns the replication task after you click Start Replication. Displays the Make Destination Dataset Read-only? option. Removes the Schedule option.
    ScheduleDisplays after selecting the Run On a Schedule radio button. Select a preset time or can select Custom to use the advanced scheduler.
    Make Destination Dataset Read-only?Displays after selecting the Run Once radio button. Select to change the destination dataset to be read-only. To continue using the default or existing dataset read permissions, leave this checkbox cleared.

    Destination Snapshot Lifetime Options

    The Destination Snapshot Lifetime setting determines how long the replicated snapshot is retained on the destination server.

    Add Replication Task When Custom Lifetime
    Figure 15: Add Replication Task When Custom Lifetime
    Destination Snapshot Lifetime Settings
    Same as SourceSelect to use the configured snapshot Lifetime value from the source dataset periodic snapshot task.
    Never DeleteSelect to never delete snapshots from the destination system.
    CustomSelect to define how long the snapshot remains on the destination system. Displays the number of and measure of time fields to set the schedule.
    Number ofEnter a numeric value to work with the measure of time selection to set the custom lifetime of the snapshot.
    Measure of timeSelect the option for Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to work with the number-of field to set the custom lifetime of the snapshot.

    Add and Edit Replication Task Screens

    Advanced Replication Creation opens the Add Replication Task screen. Click before or after adding values to any setting on the wizard screens. The Edit icon button opens the Edit Replication Task screen. Both screens show the same setting options.

    General and Transport Options Settings

    The settings in General and Transport Options specify the name of the task, the direction of the data transfer, the transport connection type, and method settings for each type. The Transport setting changes options displayed in the Transport Options area (SSH is the default setting). All three Transport field options share the two settings displayed for Local, and the SSH Connection field displays for both the SSH and SSH+NETCAT transport selections.

    Advanced Add Replication Task SSH Transport
    Figure 16: Advanced Add Replication Task SSH Transport
    General Settings
    Name(Required) Enter a descriptive name for the replication.
    DirectionSelect the direction for the replication from the dropdown list. Push sends snapshots to a destination system. Pull connects to a remote system and retrieves snapshots matching the value specified in Naming Schema.
    TransportSelect the method of connecting to a remote system for exchanging data from the dropdown list. Options:
  • SSH - Default option that is supported by most systems. It requires a previously created SSH connection on the system.
  • SSH+NETCAT - Uses SSH to establish a connection to the destination system, then uses py-libzfs to send an unencrypted data stream for higher transfer speeds. This only works when replicating to a FreeNSAS, TrueNAS, or other systems with py-libzfs installed.
  • LOCAL - Efficiently replicates snapshots to another dataset on the same system without using the network. Removes Transport Options SSH setting options from the screen.
  • Use Sudo For Zfs CommandsSelect if setting up remote replication tasks when logged in as an admin user.
    Number of retries for failed replicationsEnter the number of times the replication is attempted before stopping and marking the task as failed.
    Logging LevelSelect the level of message verbosity in the replication task log from the dropdown list. Options are Default, Debug, Info, Warning, and Error.
    EnabledSelect to enable the replication schedule.

    Transport Options Settings - Local Transport Option

    These settings display for all three Transport options.

    Advanced Add Replication Task Local Transport
    Figure 17: Advanced Add Replication Task Local Transport
    Local Transport Settings
    Allow Blocks Larger than 128KBInactive by default and if the system does not support large block transfers. Allows replication to send large data blocks. The destination system must also support large blocks. This setting cannot be changed after it is enabled and the replication task is created. See sfs(8) for more information.
    Allow Compressed WRITE RecordsSelected by default. If enabled, allows using compressed write records to make the stream more efficient. The destination system must also support compressed write records. See zfs(8).

    Transport Options Settings - SSH Transport Option

    These setting options display in addition to the two options displayed when Transport is set to SSH.

    Advanced Add Replication Task SSH Transport
    Figure 18: Advanced Add Replication Task SSH Transport
    SSH Transport Settings
    SSH ConnectionSelect a connection created and saved in Credentials > Backup Credentials > SSH Connections. If a connection does not display on the the dropdown list, exit the task creation screen. Open Credentials > Backup Credentials and add an SSH connection.
    Stream CompressionSelect a compression algorithm from the dropdown list to reduce the size of the data being replicated. Only appears when SSH is chosen as the Transport type.
    Limit (Examples: 500 KiB, 500M, 2 TB)Enter the number of bytes per second to limit replication speed to this number of bytes per second.

    Transport Options Settings - SSH+NETCAT Transport Option

    These setting options display in addition to the two options displayed when Transport is set to SSH+NETCAT.

    Advanced Add Replication Task SSH+NETCAT Transport
    Figure 19: Advanced Add Replication Task SSH+NETCAT Transport
    SSH+NETCAT Transport Settings
    SSH ConnectionSelect a connection created and saved in Credentials > Backup Credentials > SSH Connections. If a connection does not display on the dropdown list, exit the task creation screen. Open Credentials > Backup Credentials and add an SSH connection.
    Netcat Active SideSelect the option for the system that opens ports from the dropdown list. Options are Local or Remote. Establishing a connection requires that one of the connection systems has open TCP ports. Consult your IT department to determine which systems are allowed to open ports.
    Netcat Active Side Listen AddressEnter the IP address on which the connection Active Side listens. Defaults to
    Netcat Active Side Min PortEnter the lowest port number of the active side listen address that is open to connections.
    Netcat Active Side Max PortEnter the highest port number of the active side listen address that is open to connections. The first available port between the minimum and maximum is used.
    Netcat Active Side Connect AddressEnter the host name or IP address used to connect to the active side system. When the active side is Local, this defaults to the SSL_CLIENT environment variable. When the active side is Remote, this defaults to the SSH connection host name.

    Advanced Source Options

    The settings in Source specify the location of files you push or pull in the replication task, and the properties applied to the replicated data. The Source setting options change based on selections made in Recursive and Replicate Specific Snapshots and each displays additional setting options.

    Advanced Add Replication Task Source and Destination
    Figure 20: Advanced Add Replication Task Source and Destination
    Advanced Source Settings
    Source(Required) Enter or use arrow_right to the left of the /mnt folder and at each dataset to expand the dataset tree to browse to the dataset location that has snapshots to replicate. Click on the dataset or directory name, folder icon, or checkbox to select the dataset or directory. To enter multiple datasets, enter a comma (,) after each path in the Source field and then select another dataset. Click the arrow_drop_down at the /mnt to collapse the dataset tree.
    RecursiveSelect to replicate all child dataset snapshots. When selected, Exclude Child Datasets displays.
    Exclude Child DatasetsDisplays after selecting Recursive. Enter the specific child dataset snapshots from the replication. Separate each entry by pressing Enter.
    Include Dataset PropertiesSelect to include ZFS dataset properties with the replicated snapshots. For more information on ZFS dataset properties see ZFS manpages.
    Full Filesystem ReplicationSelect to completely replicate the selected dataset. The target dataset gets all the properties of the source dataset, child datasets, clones, and snapshots that match the specified naming schema. Hides the Recursive and Include Dataset Properties options.
    Properties OverrideEnter properties to replace existing dataset properties within the replicated files.
    Properties ExcludeEnter any existing dataset properties to remove from the replicated files.

    Advanced Destination Options

    The settings in Destination specify the location of files you push or pull in the replication task, and the properties applied to the replicated data. The destination setting options change based on selections made in Encryption and Snapshot Retention Policy which display additional setting options.

    Advanced Add Replication Task Destination Options
    Figure 21: Advanced Add Replication Task Destination Options
    Advanced Destination Settings
    Destination(Required) Enter or use arrow_right to the left of the /mnt folder and at each dataset to expand the dataset tree to browse to the dataset location that has snapshots to replicate. Click on the dataset or directory name, folder icon, or checkbox to select the dataset or directory. Selecting a location defines the full path to that location as the destination. Appending a name to the path creates a new zvol at that location. For example, selecting pol1/dataset1 stores snapshots in dataset 1, but adding /zvol1 after dataset1 creates zvol1 for snapshot storage. Click the arrow_drop_down at the /mnt folder to collapse the dataset tree.
    Destination Dataset Read-Only PolicySelect the policy from the dropdown list. Options:
  • Set - Select to change all destination datasets to read only after a successful replication.
  • Require - Select to stop replication unless all existing destination datasets are read only.
  • Ignore - Select to disable checking read only during replication.
  • EncryptionSelect to use encryption when replicating data. For more information on all options see Encryption.
    Replication from scratchSelect if the destination system has snapshots but they do not have any data in common with the source snapshot, destroy all data destination snapshots and do a full replication. WARNING! Enabling this option can cause data loss or excessive data transfer if the replication is misconfigured.
    Snapshot Retention PolicySelect the policy from the dropdown list to apply when replicated snapshots are deleted from the destination system. Options are Same as Source, Custom, and None. When selecting Same as Source use the Snapshot Lifetime from the source periodic snapshot task. When selecting Custom define a Snapshot Lifetime for the destination system. Also displays the Snapshot Lifetime and Unit options. When selecting None never delete snapshots from the destination system.
    Snapshot LifetimeUse to enter a numeric value to work with the measure of time field below to specify how long a snapshot remains on the destination system.
    UnitSelect the measure of time from the dropdown list to work with the numeric value in Snapshot Lifetime. Options are Hour(s), Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), and Year(s).

    Various Snapshot Options

    The snapshot settings below change options displayed based on selections made.

    Add Replication Task Snapshot
    Figure 22: Add Replication Task Snapshot
    Snapshot Settings
    Periodic Snapshot TasksSelect the snapshot schedule for this replication task from the dropdown list. Select from previously configured periodic snapshot tasks. This replication task must have the same Recursive and Exclude Child Dataset values as the selected periodic snapshot task. Selecting a periodic snapshot schedule removes the Schedule field.
    Replicate Specific SnapshotsSelect to only replicate snapshots that match a defined creation time. Selecting this option displays the By snapshot creation time field. Select the preset schedule or Custom to use the advanced scheduler.
    BeginDisplays after selecting Hourly in By snapshot creation time. Select a time range for the specific periodic snapshots to replicate, in 15-minute increments. Periodic Snapshots created before this selected time are not included in the replication.
    EndDisplays after selecting Hourly in By snapshot creation time. Select a time range for the specific periodic snapshots to replicate, in 15-minute increments. Periodic Snapshots created after this selected time are not included in the replication.
    Also include snapshots with the nameThese radio buttons change the naming schema setting option below it. See Snapshot Naming in the wizard section for details on this option and the radio buttons.
    Matching naming schemaDisplays the Also Include Naming Schema setting.
    Matching regular expressionDisplays the Matching regular expression setting.
    Also Include Naming SchemaDisplays after selecting the Matching naming schema radio button. Enter the pattern of naming custom snapshots to include in the replication with the periodic snapshot schedule. Enter the strftime(3) strings that match the snapshots to include in the replication. When a periodic snapshot is not linked to the replication, enter the naming schema for manually created snapshots. Has the same %Y, %m, %d, %H, and %M string requirements as the Naming Schema in a Add Periodic Snapshot Task. Separate entries by pressing Enter.
    Matching regular expressionDisplays after selecting the Matching regular expression radio button. Enter the regular expressions snapshot should match. Using this option replicates all snapshots with names matching the specified regular expression. This process reads snapshot metadata to determine the snapshot creation order. This slows regular performance on the systems with a large number of snapshots.
    Save Pending SnapshotsSelect to prevent source system snapshots that have failed replication from being automatically removed by the Snapshot Retention Policy.

    Replication Schedule Advanced Options

    These schedule setting options are common to both the Replication Task Wizard and Add Replication Task screens.

    Advanced Add Replication Task Schedule
    Figure 23: Advanced Add Replication Task Schedule
    Advanced Schedule Settings
    Run AutomaticallySelect to start this replication task immediately after the linked periodic snapshot task completes.
    ScheduleSelect to create a replication schedule if not selecting Run Automatically. Displays the Frequency and Only Replicate Snapshots Matching Schedule options.
    FrequencyDisplays after selecting Schedule. Select a preset schedule or choose Custom to use the advanced scheduler.
    BeginDisplays after selecting Hourly in Frequency. Select the start time for the replication task.
    EndDisplays after selecting Hourly in Frequency. Select the end time for the replication task. A replication that is already in progress can continue to run past this time.
    Only Replicate Snapshots Matching ScheduleDisplays after selecting Schedule. Select to use the Schedule in place of the Replicate Specific Snapshots time frame. The Schedule values are read over the Replicate Specific Snapshots time frame.