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Local Users Screens
7 minute read.
The Credentials > Users screen displays a list of user accounts added to the system. By default built-in users, except for root, are hidden until you make them visible.
Toggle Build-In Users displays either the Show Built-In Users or Hide Built-in Users dialogs based on the current Users list view. If hidden, the Show Built-in Users dialog opens. Click Show to display the list of users.
To hide built-in users, click Toggle Built-In Users again to open the Hide Built-in Users dialog. Click Hide to display only non-built-in users again.
The Users screen shows the pre-defined administrator role assigned to the user.
Add opens the Add User screen.
Click on a user row to show the user details screen.
The expanded view of each user includes details for that user, including the home directory location, shell, Samba authentication, SSH key, and sudo command access (if assigned). It provides the option to edit or delete the user, and access user audit logs.
Edit opens the Edit User screen. Delete opens a delete confirmation dialog.
The Add User and Edit User configuration screens display the same setting options. Built-in users (except the root user) do not include the Home Directory Permissions settings, but all new users created, such as those for an SMB share like the smbguest user, do.
Identification settings specify the name, user name, password, and user email.
User ID and Group settings specify the user ID and groups this user belongs to.
Directory and Permissions settings specify the user home directory and the permissions for that home directory.
Authentication settings specify authentication methods, the public SSH key, user administration access, and enable/disable password authentication. The add and edit user screens grant access to a shell option, but the privilege screen Web Shell Access setting determines the ability to see the System > Shell screen.