TrueNAS Nightly Development Documentation
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Setting Up a Network Bridge
3 minute read.
In general, a bridge refers to various methods of combining (aggregating) multiple network connections into a single aggregate network.
TrueNAS uses bridge(4) as the kernel bridge driver. Bridge(8) is a command for configuring the bridge in Linux. While the examples focus on the deprecated brctl(8) from the bridge-utilities package, we use ip(8) and bridge(8) from iproute2 instead. Refer to the FAQ section that covers bridging topics more generally.
Network bridging does not inherently aggregate bandwidth like link aggregation (LAGG). Bridging is often used for scenarios that require extending a network segment or combining different types of network traffic.
You can use bridging to integrate different types of networks (e.g., wireless and wired networks) or to segment traffic within the same network. You can also use a bridge to allow a VM configured on TrueNAS to communicate with the host system. See Accessing NAS from a VM or Apps for more information.
Before making network interface changes:
- Stop running apps.
- Power off running virtual machines (VMs).
- Remove active NIC devices for VMs.
Sharing services such as SMB that use the IP address(s) assigned to the primary interface might cause issues with testing network changes. To resolve issues, stop sharing services such as SMB, make the interface change and test the connection, and when complete restart the service.
To set up a bridge interface, go to Network, click Add on the Interfaces widget to open the Add Interface screen, then:
Select Bridge from the Type dropdown list. You cannot change the Type field value after clicking Save!
Enter a name for the interface. Use the correct format based on the interface type:
- bondX for a LAGG interface
- vlanX for a VLAN interface
- brx for a bridge interface
Where X is a number representing a non-parent interface. For example, br0.
You cannot change the Name of the interface after clicking Save.
(Optional but recommended) Enter any notes or reminders about this particular bridge in Description.
Select the interfaces on the Bridge Members dropdown list.
Click Add to the right of Aliases to show the IP address fields, and enter the IP address for this bridge interface. Click Add again to show additional IP address fields for each additional IP address you want to add.
Click Save when finished. The created bridge shows in Interfaces with its associated IP address information.
Click Test Changes to determine if network changes are successful. See Testing Network Interface Changes
After TrueNAS finishes testing the interface, click Save Changes to keep the changes. Click Revert Changes to discard the changes and return to the previous configuration.