TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Version Documentation
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 23.10 (Cobia) releases. Use the Product and Version selectors above to view content specific to different TrueNAS software or major version.


  8 minute read.

Last Modified 2024-03-19 08:38 EDT

IPMI Namespace

The ipmi namespace has four commands and is based on IPMI management functions found in the SCALE API and web UI. It provides access to ipmi service management methods through the ipmi commands.

IPMI Commands

The following ipmi commands allow you to view and edit ipmi service properties.

You can enter commands from the main CLI prompt or from the ipmi namespace prompt.

The SCALE CLI guide is a work in progress! New namespace and command documentation is continually added and maintained, so check back here often to see what is new!

Interactive Argument Editor (TUI)

Enter the -- flag following any CLI command to open the interactive arguments editor text-based user interface (TUI).

Chassis Command

The chassis command allows you to toggle IPMI identify light and view IPMI service settings.


The chassis command has one required property, identify, and one optional property, info, described in Viewing IPMI Service Settings below. identify has one property, verb, used to toggle the IPMI light on and off. verb has two values, ON or OFF. Enter identify, then enter the verb property argument using = to separate property and value. Enter the command string then press Enter. The command returns a blank line when successful.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

service ipmi chassis identify verb=ON/OFF

Where ON and OFF toggle the IPMI light on and off.

service ipmi chassis identify verb=ON


Use the chassis command info property to view IPMI service settings. The info default value is {}. Enter the command string with the default value then press Enter. The command returns a table of settings when successful.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

service ipmi chassis info

service ipmi chassis info
|           system_power | on            |
|         power_overload | false         |
|              interlock | inactive      |
|            power_fault | false         |
|    power_control_fault | false         |
|   power_restore_policy | Always on     |
|       last_power_event | unknown       |
|      chassis_intrusion | inactive      |
|    front_panel_lockout | inactive      |
|            drive_fault | false         |
|      cooling/fan_fault | false         |
| chassis_identify_state | Indefinite on |

MC Command

The mc command allows you to view information on your management controller (MC).


The mc command requires the info property. info has no property arguments. Enter the command string then press Enter. The command returns a table of MC information when successful.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

service ipmi mc info

service ipmi mc info
|                               device_id | 32                                |
|                         device_revision | 1                                 |
|                             device_sdrs | unsupported                       |
|                       firmware_revision | 1.71                              |
|                        device_available | yes (normal operation)            |
|                            ipmi_version | 2.0                               |
|                           sensor_device | supported                         |
|                   sdr_repository_device | supported                         |
|                              sel_device | supported                         |
|                    fru_inventory_device | supported                         |
|                     ipmb_event_receiver | supported                         |
|                    ipmb_event_generator | supported                         |
|                                  bridge | unsupported                       |
|                          chassis_device | supported                         |
|                         manufacturer_id | Super Micro Computer Inc. (10876) |
|                              product_id | 2398                              |
| auxiliary_firmware_revision_information | 00000011h                         |

Sel Command

The sel command manages the IPMI System Event Log (SEL).


The sel command has three optional properties, clear, elist, and info, but can only use one at a time. See SEL Properties below for details. Enter the command string then press Enter. The command returns completion percentages and a table of SEL information when successful.

clearClears the SEL. Clears the IMPI system event log.
elistQueries the SEL extended list. Queries the IPMI system event log extended list.
infoQueries general information about the SEL. Returns general information about the IPMI system event log.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

service ipmi sel property

Where property is the SEL property you want to run.

service ipmi sel info
[0%] ...
[78%] Enumerating general extended event log info...
[100%] Parsing general extended event log complete...
|                            sel_version | 1.5                  |
|                  number_of_log_entries | 68                   |
|                   free_space_remaining | 8880 bytes           |
|                 recent_erase_timestamp | Post-Init 0 s        |
| get_sel_allocation_information_command | supported            |
|                    reserve_sel_command | supported            |
|          partial_add_sel_entry_command | unsupported          |
|                     delete_sel_command | unsupported          |
|    events_dropped_due_to_lack_of_space | No                   |
|    number_of_possible_allocation_units | 512                  |
|                   allocation_unit_size | 20 bytes             |
|        number_of_free_allocation_units | 444                  |
|                     largest_free_block | 444 allocation units |
|                    maximum_record_size | 20 allocation units  |

Sensors Command

The sensors command allows you to view IPMI sensor data.


The sensors command has required property, query. query does not require a property argument. Enter the command string then press Enter. The command returns a table of SEL information when successful.


From the CLI prompt, enter:

service ipmi sensors query

service ipmi sensors query
| id   | name            | type        | state    | reading | units     | lower-non-recoverable | lower-critical | lower-non-critical | upper-non-critical | upper-critical | upper-non-recoverable | event |
| 4    | CPU Temp        | Temperature | Nominal  | 38.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 85.00
       | 90.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 71   | PCH Temp        | Temperature | Nominal  | 57.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 85.00
       | 90.00           | 105.00      | ok                             |
| 138  | System Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 41.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 80.00
       | 85.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 205  | Peripheral Temp | Temperature | Nominal  | 46.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 80.00
       | 85.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 272  | VRMCpu Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 47.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 95.00
       | 100.00          | 105.00      | ok                             |
| 339  | VRMABC Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 54.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 95.00
       | 100.00          | 105.00      | ok                             |
| 406  | VRMDEF Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 46.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 95.00
       | 100.00          | 105.00      | ok                             |
| 473  | FAN1            | Fan         | Nominal  | 4000.00 | RPM       | 300.00                | 500.00         | 700.00             | 25300.00           | 25400.00       | 25500.00              | ok |
| 540  | FAN2            | Fan         | Nominal  | 1200.00 | RPM       | 300.00                | 500.00         | 700.00             | 25300.00           | 25400.00       | 25500.00              | ok |
| 607  | FAN3            | Fan         | Nominal  | 1600.00 | RPM       | 300.00                | 500.00         | 700.00             | 25300.00           | 25400.00       | 25500.00              | ok |
| 674  | FAN4            | Fan         | Nominal  | 1600.00 | RPM       | 300.00                | 500.00         | 700.00             | 25300.00           | 25400.00       | 25500.00              | ok |
| 741  | FAN5            | Fan         | N/A      | N/A     | RPM       | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A
       | N/A             | N/A         | n/a                            |
| 808  | FANA            | Fan         | Nominal  | 6800.00 | RPM       | 300.00                | 500.00         | 700.00             | 25300.00           | 25400.00       | 25500.00              | ok |
| 875  | FANB            | Fan         | Nominal  | 6500.00 | RPM       | 300.00                | 500.00         | 700.00             | 25300.00           | 25400.00       | 25500.00              | ok |
| 942  | FANC            | Fan         | N/A      | N/A     | RPM       | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A
       | N/A             | N/A         | n/a                            |
| 1009 | DIMMA1 Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 40.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 80.00
       | 85.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 1076 | DIMMA2 Temp     | Temperature | N/A      | N/A     | degrees C | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A
       | N/A             | N/A         | n/a                            |
| 1143 | DIMMB1 Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 43.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 80.00
       | 85.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 1210 | DIMMC1 Temp     | Temperature | N/A      | N/A     | degrees C | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A
       | N/A             | N/A         | n/a                            |
| 1277 | DIMMD1 Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 41.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 80.00
       | 85.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 1344 | DIMMD2 Temp     | Temperature | N/A      | N/A     | degrees C | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A
       | N/A             | N/A         | n/a                            |
| 1411 | DIMME1 Temp     | Temperature | Nominal  | 41.00   | degrees C | 5.00                  | 5.00           | 10.00              | 80.00
       | 85.00           | 90.00       | ok                             |
| 1478 | DIMMF1 Temp     | Temperature | N/A      | N/A     | degrees C | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A
       | N/A             | N/A         | n/a                            |
| 1545 | 12V             | Voltage     | Nominal  | 12.23   | Volts     | 10.22                 | 10.34          | 10.83              | 12.96
       | 13.33           | 13.45       | ok                             |
| 1612 | 5VCC            | Voltage     | Nominal  | 5.15    | Volts     | 4.16                  | 4.28           | 4.52               | 5.60
       | 5.72            | 5.81        | ok                             |
| 1679 | 3.3VCC          | Voltage     | Nominal  | 3.28    | Volts     | 2.74                  | 2.82           | 2.98               | 3.71
       | 3.77            | 3.84        | ok                             |
| 1746 | VBAT            | Battery     | N/A      | N/A     | N/A       | N/A                   | N/A            | N/A                | N/A

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