TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Documentation Archive
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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Reporting Screens

The Reporting screen displays graphs of system information for CPU, disk, memory, network, NFS, partition, target, UPS, ZFS, and system functions. The CPU report displays by default.

The opens the Reports Configuration configuration screen.

Reports Configuration Screen

Reports Configuration settings specify how TrueNAS displays the graphs and the host name of the Graphite server.


General Options

Report CPU usage in PercentReports CPU usage in percent instead of units of kernel time.
Graphite Separate InstancesSends the plugin instance and type instance to Graphite as separate path components: host.cpu.0.cpu.idle. Disabling sends the plugin and plugin instance as one path component and type and type instance as another: host.cpu-0.cpu-idle.
Remote Graphite Server HostnameRemote Graphite server host name or IP address.
Graph Age in MonthsMaximum time (in months) TrueNAS stores a graph. Allowed values are 1-60. Changing this value causes the Confirm RRD Destroy dialog to display. Changes do not take effect until TrueNAS destroys the existing reporting database.
Number of Graph PointsThe number of points for each hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly graph. Allowed values are 1-4096. Changing this value displays the Confirm RRD Destroy dialog. Changes do not take effect until TrueNAS destroys the existing reporting database.
Reset to DefaultsResets all entered values and settings back to defaults.

Reporting Screen Display Options

CPUDisplays the CPU Temperature, CPU Usage, and System Load graphs.
DiskDisplays graphs for each selected system disk and by report type.
MemoryDisplays both the Physical memory utilization and Swap utilization graphs.
NetworkDisplays an Interface Traffic graph for each interface in the system.
NFSDisplays the NFS Stats (Operations) and NFS Stats (Bytes) graphs.
PartitionDisplays graphs showing disk space allocations.
SystemDisplays both the Processes and Uptime graphs.
ZFSDisplays the ARC Size, ARC Hit Ratio, ARC Requests demand_data, ARC Requests demand_metadata, ARC Requests prefetch_data, and ARC Requests prefetch_metadata graphs with the Arc and L2 gigabytes and hits (%), and the hits, misses and total number of requests.

Report Graphs

The following sections provide examples of each report graph.

CPU Graphs

CPU graphs show the amount of time spent by the CPU in various states such as executing user code, executing system code, and being idle. Graphs of short-, mid-, and long-term load are shown, along with CPU temperature graphs.



Disk Graphs

Disk graphs shows read and write statistics on I/O, percent busy, latency, operations per second, pending I/O requests, and disk temperature. Use the Select Disks dropdown list to select the disks and the Select Reports dropdown to select the report types to display.



Disk Report Options

Select AllDisplays all available graphs for any or all disks selected on the Disks dropdown list.
Disk TemperatureDisplays the minimum, maximum and mean temperature reading for the disk selected.
Disk I/ODisplays the disk read and write I/O stats in bytes/s.
Temperature monitoring for the disk is disabled if HDD Standby is enabled. Check the Storage > Disks Edit Disk* configuration form for any or all disks in the system if you do not see the temperature monitoring graph.

Large petabyte systems may report storage numbers inaccurately. Storage configurations with more than 9,007,199,254,740,992 bytes will round the last 4 digits.

For example, a system with 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 bytes reports the number as 18,446,744,073,709,552,000 bytes.

Memory Graphs

Memory graphs display memory usage and swap graphs display the amount of free and used swap space.


Network Graphs

Network graph report received and transmitted traffic in megabytes per second for each configured interface.


NFS Graphs

NFS graphs show information about the number of calls for each procedure and whether the system is a server or client.


Partition Graphs

Partition graphs display free, used, and reserved space for each pool and dataset. However, the disk space used by an individual zvol is not displayed as it is a block device.


System Graphs

System graphs display the number of processes grouped by state, sleeping, running, stopped, zombies and blocked, and system uptime.


ZFS Graphs

ZFS graphs show compressed physical ARC size, hit ratio, demand data, demand metadata, and prefetch data and metadata.




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