TrueNAS SCALETrueNAS SCALE Documentation Archive
This content follows the TrueNAS SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) releases. Archival documentation is provided for reference only and not actively maintained.
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UI Reference Guide

Welcome to the TrueNAS SCALE UI Reference Guide!

This document shows and describes each screen and configurable option contained within the TrueNAS web interface. The document is arranged in a parallel manner to the TrueNAS web interface, beginning with the top panel and then descending through each option displayed in the web interface left side menu. To display this document in a linear HTML format, export it to PDF, or physically print it, please select ⎙ Download or Print.

SCALE UI Reference Guide Sections

  • ⎙ Download or Print: View the TrueNAS SCALE UI Reference Guide as a single page for download or print.

    • Main Dashboard: Provides information on the main Dashboard information cards (widgets). It includes basic instructions on synchronizing system server and SCALE time and on customizing the display by moving, adding, or removing widgets.

      • Top Toolbar Options: All the icons and options contained in the TrueNAS SCALE top toolbar.

        • Alerts: Describes the TrueNAS SCALE alert system.

        • Settings Options: Describes the top-level Settings options in TrueNAS SCALE.

        • Tasks Screens: Describes the TrueNAS SCALE task manager and how to use the task manager to view failed jobs and task logs.

      • Storage: Describes the various data storage screens in TrueNAS SCALE.

        • Pools: Describes the ZFS storage pool configuration screens in TrueNAS SCALE.

        • Datasets: Describes the various ZFS dataset screens in TrueNAS SCALE.

        • Storage Dashboard Screen: Provides information on the Storage Dashboard screen widgets and options for pools, devices, datasets, and disks listed on this screen.

      • Shares: Describes the various storage sharing screens in TrueNAS SCALE.

      • Data Protection: Describes the screens and options contained within the Data Protection section in TrueNAS SCALE.

      • Network: Describes the screens and fields in the TrueNAS SCALE Network section.

        • Network Interface Screens: Provides information on the Network screen Interfaces widget and configuration screens.

        • Global Configuration Screens: The Global Configuratio* widget displays the general TrueNAS SCALE network settings not specific to any interface.

        • Static Routes Widget: The Static Routes widget displays existing static routes or sets up new ones.

        • OpenVPN Screens: Provides information on the Network screen OpenVPN widget and configuration screen.

        • IPMI Screens: Provides information on the Network screen IPMI widget and configuration screen.

      • Credentials: Describes the screens and fields in the TrueNAS SCALE Credentials section.

        • Local Users Screens: Provides information on the Users screens and settings and information on settings for the TrueNAS SCALE Shell screen.

        • Local Groups Screens: Provides information on the Local Groups screens and settings.

        • Directory Services Screens: Describes the screens and fields in the TrueNAS SCALE Directory Services section.

        • Backup Credentials: Information on backup credential screens and settings to integrate TrueNAS SCALE with cloud storage providers by setting up SSH connections and keypairs.

        • Certificates: Information about the Certificates screen and widgets.

        • Two-Factor Auth Screen: Provides information on two-factor authentication screen settings.

        • KMIP Screen: Describes the fields in the KMIP Key Status screen on TrueNAS SCALE Enterprise.

      • Virtualization Screens: Provides information on the screens and settings to add virtual machines (VMs) and devices to your TrueNAS SCALE system.

        • Apps Screens: Articles describing the TrueNAS SCALE Apps screens and fields.

        • Reporting Screens: Provides information on TrueNAS SCALE reporting graph screens and settings.

          • System Settings: Articles describing the various screens and fields contained within the TrueNAS SCALE System Settings section.

            • Update Screens: Describes the fields in the TrueNAS SCALE Update screen.

            • General Settings Screen: Provides information on General system setting screen, widgets, and settings for getting support, changing console or the GUI, localization and keyboard setups, and adding NTP servers.

            • Advanced Settings Screen: Provides information on the System > Advanced screen, widgets, and configuration screen settings.

            • System Boot Screens: Provides information on the boot environment screens and settings.

            • Failover Screen: Provides information on the Failover screen settings and functions.

            • Services: Information on the Services screen and individual service articles in the Services area.

            • Shell Screen: Provides information on the TrueNAS SCALE Shell screen, buttons, and slider.

            • View Enclosure Screen (Enterprise Only): Provides information on the TrueNAS View Enclosure screen available only on compatible SCALE Enterprise systems.