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Setting Up System Email
4 minute read.
Last Modified 2023-08-31 14:46 EDTAn automatic script sends a nightly email to the administrator root account containing important information such as the health of the disks. Alert events are also emailed to the root user account. Configure the system to send these emails to the administrator remote email account for fast awareness and resolution of any critical issues.
Scrub Task issues and S.M.A.R.T. reports are mailed separately to the address configured in those services.
Configure the email address for the system root user as part of your initial system setup. You can also configure email addresses for additional user accounts as needed.
Before configuring anything else, set the local administrator account email address.
Just as with the root user, you can add new users as an admin or non-administrative account, and set up email for that user. Follow the directions in Configuring the Root User Email Address for an existing user or in Setting Up User Accounts to add email service for a new user.
After setting up the root user email address you need to set up the send method for email service.
Click the Alerts icon in the top right of the UI, then click the gear icon and select Email to open the Email configuration screen.
The Send Mail Method shows two different options:
- GMail OAuth
The Email screen configuration options change based on the selected option.
After configuring the send method, click Send Test Mail to verify the configured email settings are working. If the test email fails, verify that the root user Email field is correctly configured for the root user. Return to Credentials > Users to select the admin user.
The Email screen displays with GMail OAuth preselected as the default send method.
To setup up SMTP service for the system email send method you need the outgoing mail server and port number for the email you entered.
The system email account is sent a system health email every night/morning, if it is configured. You can also add/configure the Email Alert Service to send timely email warnings, when the system hits a specific state that is listed in Alert Settings, to the email specified in the alert service.
From the Alerts panel, select the
icon and then Alert Services.Change the Type field to Email and then populate the Add Alert Service form.
Add the system email address in the Email Address field.
Use Send Test Alert to generate a test alert and confirm the email address and alert service works.